Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 December 2019


Photo: Aurora Borealis
U.S. Geological Survey: Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good Morning. Another vibrant sky outside today, as the sun comes up.

    Thanks for the comments about relatives, late or otherwise. I was lucky to have in laws who made me into another daughter to add to the 3 they already had. But there are always some in any family who you wish were elsewhere: as the saying goes "You can choose your friends but not your relatives!' The ones who were late had not had too far to come, or bad traffic, or any other excuse. I didn't hear their apologies at the front door as I was lurking in the kitchen when they arrived. They should've been four, not three, as they included the young couple whose wedding is next summer, but the girl has had a really bad cold so didn't turn up to give us her germs, thankfully!

    The main culprits have been late for things before, including meals at our house. I got so worked up the last time that my OH said he wouldn't invite them again.

    Heather, I hope you're enjoying your delightful grandchildren. It's such fun when they're tiny.
  • By the way, Diane, I don't mind if you use a bit of humour over the situation. My sense of humour covers just about any event, including funerals! I seem to have inherited my Dads ability to see the funny side of things

    I haven't contacted Sue yet to commiserate over the mini disaster: I was so cross, I might have said something I'd regret later, but when we got home my OH rang his sister to thank her for the meal and for her making of the pudding, the remains of which I'd brought home.
  • Diane - They made me smile, but probably because they mirrored things in my former life. I wouldn't know how to remove my entries … but everyone involved is no longer with us (apart from me, of course!),
  • So many posts in just over a day! Enough said about "family situations" so I won't add my comments!

    Actually, we all enjoyed our get-together yesterday - with Dau#1 and appendages. We met at the restaurant as planned - on time! The meal was what I described as "satisfying but not satisfactory" - in other words plenty of good food, enough to leave the undercooked parsnips and brussels. We sat over it a long time, catching up on everyone's news. The afternoon at home was quite understated - we had a quiz sheet for a local charity, which was matching lines with Christmas song titles and we all went through it together, with the two girls singing all the songs. The girls helped OH put tea on the table, although no-one needed much to eat (we had planned it with leftovers in mind!). After a parting tea/coffee they left quite soon as GD#2 is working today - I think at an ante-natal clinic. As Dau said, each time we see the four of them together could be the last, as the girls have their own lives now, although youngest is temporarily staying with her parents as she has a placement nearer to them than to Uni.

    Haven't heard from Dau#2 (other than a Christmas card) but we shall try phoning for her birthday tomorrow. We do know that her eldest and wife and the little ones were there for Christmas, and then moved on to her ex and family. Other Grandson usually tries to visit on her Birthday, but his in-laws have to be included in part of the season.

    Today is a quiet day, tidying up some loose ends, such as freezing some leftover veg from the bag give to us annually by a man at church - his wife's chocolate cake has already been tidied away!
  • Sunny and dry, here, we're in shock!

    Been to a massive furniture shop, famous in Cheshire, to look at possible replacements for our ageing sideboard. Google "Arighi Bianchi". Looked at three floors of furniture and stuff, without seeing anything which we liked to any degree . Bah! The furniture looked as if it wouldn't last a year, it was so flimsy for the most part. We met another couple our age who were searching in vain for a simple coffee table but were giving up.
  • AQ:  I had a friend who believed spiders had the right to spin webs wherever, but she didn't spray them with glitter (which is actually rather creative); she just let dust accumulate on them.  The few times I visited her (she was a former hippy in those days) it was a bit like staying with The Adams Family except she had a car tire and other tools, etc.,  in the living room.....  

    Diane:  I had a laugh about your MiL and the spider web - God help anybody who pulled that on me these days!!!  But don't be so sure her family appreciated her "humor."  I had a boss once that I really couldn't stand - and didn't hide it very well.   Turns out the head of the association (who only visited a few times a year) was only one of many people who couldn't stand him either and he eventually had the guy fired.  The annoying thing was that everyone else only then came out of the woodwork to say they'd never liked him.  (A bit like the Republicans and Donald Trump - but 'nuff said).  :-)    Thanks for the info re Caleb's post; if you find out more (no idea how) let us know.

    Lindybird: Don't get me started on choosing relatives  :-))    I've started scouting around for chairs to replace our literally falling apart two in the living room. We got them at a consignment store ages ago.  Everything seems oversized these days.  We have a very nice "entertainment center,"  which houses an ancient stereo that we never use, old tuners, CD players,which we probably couldn't give away, plus various Owner Guides, old remotes, for items we probably don't own any more.  We could get by with a much smaller stand for the TV and DVD player....  When I was much younger, I used bricks and boards for bookcases, TV stands, etc. and they worked fine and were easy to assemble!  :-)  I Googled that store you went to; all very familiar styles.  The last time I was in the UK, my sister and I went to Downtown (in Lincs?)  They had some nice chairs there..

    OG:  Glad the day worked out so well, but too bad about the under cooked veg.  Chocolate cake?  "Tidied away"?  Sounds yummy.

    Must get organized....take care all.

  • Wow - I checked in here yesterday am before I left for Daughters in Northamptonshire and what a lot of posts since!

    My 2 Granddaughters - Seraphina 8 and Luna nearly 3 have exhausted me with games and reading books, but my Daughter was pleased as it gave her some time to just sit and relax.

    I got back to Suffolk at 4pm today after a 4hr drive along mainly the A14 which goes almost horizontally across the country from West to East, apart from the hoards of people queuing for the sales at a retail park and causing enormous tailbacks  Grrrrh - haven't they had enough of shopping!

    I am due to have 2 Friends,their Daughter and Mother here for New Year but one of my Friends Partners Mother is seriously ill (she is in late 90s and has been declining for months) so they may stay in Surrey to be close by.  I don't care as I have spent plenty of NYE on my own or with with just my late Daughter as she didn't socialise - and its just another day. I much prefer NYD to get out in the elements for a good walk and to welcome in the the new year.

    Have a good and peaceful time whatever you are doing and keep safe AQ and good health all those who are suffering.

  • Harelady:  I guess there was a lot to talk about on here after Xmas! :-)   I'm with you on a New Year's Walk as a way to greet the new year.   Sounds like you'll be fine, no matter how you spend it.  Take care.

  • Nice to hear about you, Harelady. Enjoy your quiet New Year - we have declined any invites as we prefer to see it in quietly, too, although I do enjoy seeing all the firework displays around the world and by the Thames, on TV.

    We had a busy day in the end - went in the other direction this afternoon and found with the help of Mrs Sat Nav a retail park, where they have a big shop full of the kind of solid oak furniture we need. After lots of getting out the tape measure, and rubbing of chins, we chose a big dresser type unit with lots of storage and shelving, and a matching unit which will hold the tv. Delivered in a couple of weeks, which gives me time to decide what to throw out from my extensive collection of crockery. Ho hum.

    More from me tomorrow, I'm tired out now & it's late.