'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • A mass fly-off - almost!

    This black squirrel has a very thin tail with very sparse 'hairs' on it - shall try to notice if they're all like that:

    It may have been the black squirrel who scared the crows off:

    Because a few minutes later it lunged at one! ... who didn't seem to be doing anything offensive, they'd been feeding from opposite sides of the tray :-/

    I haven't seen the Mallard approach further than this tray:

  • ID please?  ("very small and small brown perching-like birds in Ohio" on WhatBird.com has nothing like it)

    Missed out this one - "What a bright beak!":

  • Oh Scylla what an array of lovely birdie shots! Thank you.
    Well, yes, Korky it might win the prize but I personally think its horrid (forgive me)
  • scylla said:
    ID please?  ("very small and small brown perching-like birds in Ohio"

    Not sure, Scylla. Best I can come up with is a female Brown-headed Cowbird but it may be bigger than your bird. I have seen a male Brown-headed Cowbird at this feeder.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • I love these shots, especially the action shots that made me smile. :-)

    scylla said:
    "very small and small brown perching-like birds in Ohio"

    I am honored that the first thing that came to mind was "maybe too small for a cowbird" was TeeJay's thought too!

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Some more stunning birds from West Texas webcam

    Acorn Woodpeckers

    Male and female Ladder-backed Woodpeckers

    Ruby-crowned Kinglet same family as our Goldcrests and Firecrests

    Woodhouse's Scrub-jay (I think)



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Here's a nice story about one of the relocated sea eagles from the Isle of Wight settling with red kites in Oxfordshire

  • I've sent the photos of the brown bird in Scylla's post to my US expert birder friend in Alaska and will report back with her suggested ID when I hear from her.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:

    I've sent the photos of the brown bird in Scylla's post to my US expert birder friend in Alaska and will report back with her suggested ID when I hear from her.

    Thank you, GardenBirder :)

    The well eaten seed block was placed on the critter tray below:

    See how organised I am? ;)  Next up was a pair of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos at the Sydney* White-bellied Sea Eagle nest.  There is no sound on the long-view cam.  It was rather dark, it's been lightened a bit.  A Sydney summer Cry

    This one never quite got into focus:

    *I've been downloading the 2 streams (one YouTube, the other Twitch.tv, which I hadn't heard of until these people used it) to try to see how this area is faring.  I can't tell whether we're seeing clouds or smoke drifting behind the nest at night.