Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 December 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • HEATHER - yup, know both those songs.

    LINDA - enjoy your evening out.

    ANNETTE - amazing story!

    Bloods done - and I bled properly this time - back with my usual vein. We were late being ready to go, so I came back to the second half of my lunch!
  • Wow, Annette! How gorgeous.

    We had a cheeky visitor this morning:

  • He/she was hanging from a not very strong branch, to steal from our sunflower seed feeder in the apple tree.

    Thanks, OG. Am just going to go & try on three pairs of evening trousers, to decide which ones will do!!
  • Has anyone noticed the longest day this year is the 22nd due to the tilt of the earth ...:-)
  • What a surprise my washing is dry. Currently (10.30 am) a mere 42, humidity 10%. Min 32 overnight. OH was thinking of catching bus to go out to lunch. I said he was an idiot. I see he is still here, cold saus rolls for lunch.

  • Evening all:   Just watched the latest Democratic debate with far fewer candidates than previously and, I thought, better questions from the PBS moderators, which elicited better responses for the most part.

    Wendyb: Hadn't noticed Winter solstice date.  Let's hope the earth doesn't forget to tilt back.  :-)

    Have a good Friday everyone.

  • OG: I'm glad Eagle Eye and J returned safely. I'm sorry that J must change consultants. I hope the physicians won't have to tinker much with his Thyroxin dosage. Good luck to EE getting his tooth fixed. I need some dental work done, but I'm waiting until after the holidays. It's a long drive in potentially bad weather, so I may even wait until spring. I'm glad you were able to complete your blood test. I'm so sorry that you're still coughing. Hope it doesn't transition to pneumonia. Take care.
  • AQ: I've been following the ghastly record heat and the fires and fire potential. Stay safe and take good care of yourself. You are very, very wise to read books and stay out of the heat as much as possible.

    Lindy: Lovely photos from you. I hope you had a wonderful time at your dinner. 

  • Annette: I also watched the very long debate. I get so frustrated with American voters. Most are unable or unwilling to do any research on the candidates' actual records. Voters simply watch the debates or the biased corporate media and make knee-jerk, emotional decisions about who they "like," as if this election is some reality TV show. They don't know how to evaluate a policy platform or determine what a politician will actually do. They have little understanding of our system and the changes that are possible and necessary to better care for our people and halt our country's decline. That's why our government is mired in corruption and it no longer represents the interests of the majority of Americans. I'm sick of it all.

  • Diane, I do so agree with you. It's not only in America either - reality shows seem to be the norm in UK and the election was just another one. Now we reap the whirlwind ...