Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 December 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • AQ; Hope you had some antacid close by. The Senate isn't going to support the vote. Shameful. And there we are. I'm off to yoga to do some deep breathing.... Ugh to your temps. Will check the Oz update on the BBC when I get home....
  • ANNETTE - I found this week-old report which has map of NSW fires. 

  • AQ: Thanks for that. The Guardian has live updates on the fire and the areas where it's 'too late to leave' and which roads are closed. Saturday looks like a bad day.... Seems like Adelaide is in for one more day of really nasty temps.
  • Good Morning. Still dark here, but I have to be around and about early as I have an early haircut booked.

    It's grim in Australia: we get film clips of the size of the flames, and brief reports of how bad it is, and how hot, but I always think of the individuals whose lives will never be the same.

    Hope you're getting some sleep, AQ - it must be difficult. Thinking of you.

    We're getting the reports about the Trump drama, but it doesn't sound as if it's going to topple him from his self built throne of self satisfaction.
  • Thanks for the link about the colourful lorikeets AQ!
  • LINDA - I am OK, I had a nap this afternoon. I braved the 7 pm heat to water veg. Expecting 32 min tonight (Ugh) and max 46 (Ugh) in city tomorrow with strong north winds (oh, no). OK weather gods, enough is enough, the records have been broken, let's cool it.
  • AQ - reports here today suggest temps in Oz have beaten their own record again today. I carry a bottle of water everywhere here in Scotland - would need a full reservoir down under! I guess the strong northerly wind adds to the danger where you are. Do run if you have to - and I hope the veg will survive!

    ANNETTE - that Trump is a dangerous man - why can't his supporters see that? He is deluded and they just feed his self-importance - I suppose because it puts their lifestyle in a good place compared with "normal" Americans.

    Menfolk got home about 7:30 last evening - good journeys but both were very tired. Biopsies on J's removed thyroid confirmed the tumours (still quite small) were cancerous, supporting the thyroidectomy. Consultant at Wythenshawe won't see him any more as Scotland NHS won't pay for him there! Second appointment was at the Christie, where he will continue to attend his annual joint clinic (oncology plus endocrinology). Today's blood test will inform the clinic at his May appointment with regard to Thyroxin dosage - unless there is need for a major adjustment which needs advising by phone. He has gone to work today.

    Cleaner is due this morning and I have blood tests after lunch. OH has broken a tooth from his plate - again - to will take it in later and hope to get it back for Christmas! Still just one thing after another here - and still coughing!
  • OG 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth' !!! I remember that song from my childhood - also 'I'm a pink toothbrush, you're a blue toothbrush'
  • OG - Glad the journeys weren't too bad for your OH, not a great time of year for travel. At least now J knows the facts. I suppose it's complicated if you travel from Scotland and the arrangements are different.

    Not too cold, here. Went out muffled up but was able to ditch my scarf when I came out of the hairdressers. My usual hairdresser was still off- she had bronchitis last time I was there, and apparently went down with the norovirus this week, due to being rather low. The salon owner cut my hair, with a totally different technique, but at least I now look presentable as we're off out tonight to the annual Golf Club Dinner. I've ordered salmon, as I want to enjoy my turkey dinner next week without having had it too recently!

    Off to go put up some more decorations. My OH is putting some of the carpet off cuts into the bottom of the fitted wardrobe. Then I've got the ironing. And must "do" my nails.....oh, heck!
  • Funny story here about a family in Georgia that found live feathered ornament in its Christmas tree! www.cnn.com/.../index.html