Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 November 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • AQ - my sympathies over your probs with the Site. I have had lots of trouble with it lately, and have invented some new swearywords.
  • AQ - It is odd, on my PC the error message comes and goes, now. On my tablets, never see it.
    ANNETTE - yes, I've been recuperating but had a long sleep last night which was indeed badly needed! I did as PAT suggested and went to bed at 8pm.
    I haven't heard from OG and won't phone in case I disturb her. Fingers crossed that she is just taking it easy and getting better.
    LINDY - sounds like a good day out. There are Christmas trees in all the shops and Christmas music in M and S food hall this morning. I see that one of my neighbours has got her tree in the window. I don't even think about these things until way into December.
  • Woke this morn to hot house, opened all doors & windows to let in cool change . . . and I could smell smoke. From yesterday’s fires on Yorke Peninsula; one still dangerous. warnings for to “leave now” near Yorketown. Too early to assess but 3 houses gone. There were fires across the state, with Port Lincoln having power cuts to prevent wires causing more. Today NSW will be on high alert as weather moves east. PAT, have you heard from your friend?

    After 45 years I have retired our 6-foot Xmas tree as it took too much time putting the 55 branchlets together & packing it away. I bought a small tree that is in 2 pieces. I can also decrease the decorations. I have offered some to Dau; must sort them before I see her again.

    Last week instead of nanny duty Dau invited me to join her & Trio when after school they visited a miniature Xmas pageant. 60 floats with Xmas or nursery rhyme themes. Each of Trio chose their favourite & mummy took their photo with it. All made by volunteer, his 18th year, donations to charity.

    Elves workshop featured lots of tiny toys – books, balls, bears, trains, skittles, sweets & more.


    Hickory Dickory Dock

  • Yes it is Annette , makes me want to hibernate. Oh well have to sort it gradually.

    Tell you what folks, I'm afraid all this political clap trap just turns me off and quite honestly I wouldn't want to vote for anyone at present the way things are. Can one really believe all is going to be put right, afraid not me. Whether I vote will have to wait until its time to send off our postal votes. Enough of the rambling.

    Looking for a tablet for OH for Christmas, can anyone recommend one which is compatible with syncing with computer files etc.

    Heather - now that your visitors have departed, time for yourself I think. Hope they enjoyed their stay .
  • AQ - seems as though there is no respite yet from your very hot weather. Stay cool if you can. Thinking of all those out there who are suffering from the fires and all the fire fighters as well.
  • How gorgeous AQ, hope the trio enjoyed seeing those minatures.

    Friend from church has a son living in Uki - he has had to evacuate as the fires are too close for comfort. Apparently some homes have been lost in a neighboring village..
  • I've been watching political stuff all day and am in desperate need of something heartwarming and/or funny.
  • Annette: Here is some Indiana Pumpkin Ice Cream for you, to make you feel better. It's an autumn favorite. 

    And...here is some Indiana Persimmon Pudding with Whipped Cream! Made with wild Indiana persimmons harvested in the autumn. It's divine.

    Rural folks all have their secret wild persimmon tree in the woods, and they don't divulge the location to anyone. LOL

  • Diane: Yay! Persimmon Pudding with Whipped Cream looks yummy and would really hit the spot right now. We have Fuyu persimmon trees around here and my friend bakes persimmon bread with other goodies in it - it's wonderful! Thank you! :-)) Meanwhile, I'm watching Property Brothers and am about to topple into bed. And can you believe I'm going to watch the final morning of the hearings tomorrow. Fool that I am!
  • I discovered persimmons very recently, and am completely hooked. Delicious! Where have they been all my life? I'm now recommending them to all my friends - is someone going to pay me a commission for raising sales? Doubt it!

    AQ - So sorry to hear about your local fires. My friend is not yet t home, but they are optimistic that it's almost past them. As far as I know, only one house was lost, near the top of their valley. Lots of anger at the government for cutting the fire service so drastically - a lot of the fire-fighting was carried out by volunteers and residents of threatened areas. Apparently the army was on standby - but for some reason never deployed. How bad do things have to get???? Heard this morning on the news that Sydney residents have been told to stay indoors as there is more smoke nearby.

    Crazy day yesterday - bowls Committee meeting, where I had to take the Minutes - a two-hour bowls league match - a four-hour bowls match - a meal - a Church meeting. And then falling into bed, almost too tired to sleep! Sometime before Sunday I need to get the December/January magazine put together and printed, and get other 'normal' Sunday stuff prepared ... could I please have an extra day this week?