WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy New Week all - our clocks go back tonight (at least here in California).

  • OG: Very good to hear from you and that things appear to have gone to plan.  Hope J's blood is circulating again and that his calcium levels are good enough for him to leave so you can all head home on Wednesday

    Diane:  Hmmm, well I know where I'd like to put that rake! :-)

    Heather: I went out and raked all the tiny leaves and seeds from our Chinese Elm that drop all along the parkway on our corner.  I do it twice a month at this time of year, on the Sunday before the street sweeper roars by Monday morning and carries it all away!  Don't know why but our Chinese Elm, which is healthy, drops its leaves while the two across the road stay green all year.  Every year, one neighbor asks me if it's dying and I say know, it'll be back next year again. All very odd.  Meanwhile, my small tangerine tree is looking sickly with dead branches and little fruit while the Valencia orange tree, which had a decidedly off year in 2019, is bursting with next year's crop. I'm going to ask the folks at a local nursery what's up with the tangerine....

  • I came on wondering about J and there is OG’s news. Glad it’s over and I hope all continues well. Sending healing thoughts.

    We had steady rain Fri-night, very welcome for our, er, weeds. Yesterday it rained in drought areas of NSW, up to 100 mm in some places. Gorgeous pics of a toddler splashing his sneakers in puddles – probably the first rain he’s ever seen.

  • Good to hear good news, in the main, from OG -- Sorry, OG, that you'll have to stay an extra day but I'm sure all will be well. Still thinking of you. xx

    AQ - Pleased there's finally been some rain. Hope the weeds don't grow too big!
  • AQ:  Genuinely happy to read about rain.  Yay!  I hope there's more.

  • Thank you, OG, for updating us about J. It is good to read that you should all be home again, soon.
  • Good Morning. Overslept today as my OH left me to sleep in as he got ready for going out to golf, but as its raining, he's not going, at least not this morning.

    I've got two washing machine loads waiting to go out on the line! Boo!

    Hope that J has had a good night and that OG and family can head for home later today.
  • AQ - here I am, complaining about rain when so many places are longing for it.
    LINDY - I use my tumble dryer a lot although I understand about the fresh smell when washing is dried outside.
    Eldest daughter and I enjoyed lunch in the tapas restaurant and then browsed the shops. She bought me a 'velvet' loungewear outfit for those winter days when I'm at home all day. Birthday not for a couple of weeks but I was allowed to take it home :-)
  • My OH went out for a bit of a practice, but found it so wet underfoot that it wasn't pleasant. Then he went to take some of my potted fuchsia to the allotment greenhouse, for overwintering.

    I did some paperwork, and lots of laundry: have brought back from Wales things such as our cuddly dressing gowns.

    Heather, nice that you had a pleasant time with your daughter. Your velvety lounger sounds lovely, what a good present. I have a pair of beige fuzzy trousers and a matching printed top which I've also brought home (see above) and I wear them in the evenings, in Wales, when it's cold.

    Our dining room light has "gone" and followed on from our bathroom ceiling light which also failed yesterday. Before we went away, my favourite lamp had a failed bulb, too, so there you are, things really do go in threes!

  • It's cold...

    It's blinkin' cold, and so
    To fetch my fuzzy trousers, off I go:
    They're nice and warm, and keep my bot
    At comfortable temps, but not hot.
    For hot of course, just
    Would not do,
    It has to be just warm,
    And so, I can be happy now
    With cosy jacket and my brow
    Warmed by a collar turned up high
    And full of good warm and old fashioned
    Stew, I can be ready for anything
    Happily cosseted
    And as warm as.....

  • OG - pleased to read that the op has taken place. Hope all goes well with the blood test and that you will be able to wend your way home again. Hope J's recovery is speedy and he will be feeling a lot better.

    Been reading all you've been getting up to, or not. Not a lot going on down here. Just waiting for Take 2 on the 1st cataract op which hopefully will go ahead on Friday.