Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 October 2019


The new moon (the dark moon) is Sunday. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • OG - Hope you can get the freezer replaced soon. Pleased to hear that J is OK.

    I think Tomasz will already be recovering, and the three children & their Mum are off to visit their other grandparents for the rest of the half term, this week. Matthew had the tummy bug first, and missed a couple of days school last week, so I guess he gave it to his brother, but it sounds as if it's gone right through the school anyway. Fingers crossed that none of us come down with it, now!

    We have less birds visible in the garden and are waiting to put out plenty for them to peck at, once it gets colder. There have been rats sighted in the area, so we don't want to attract them
  • We had news of light at the end of the tunnel for our finances today, which is a relief as its been aggravating us, in the background. Hope it will cheer us up, as we will possibly be able to take a short holiday, and replace one or two things around the house.

    Also, tomorrow my OH is scheduled to have the second mole removed from his upper leg. We'll both be glad when it's done as its just another thing which has been in the background. The upsetting family problem which I mentioned a few weeks ago has not gone away, and won't go, now, but we shall all have to get used to things being different.
  • Annette: I'm sure that talk you attended was interesting. I think you would be very good at aid work. I did read that MSF had pulled out of N. Syria.

    A few years ago, I considered joining the Peace Corps. I completed an initial evaluation form that was available back then, and it showed that I had medical and financial factors that disqualified me (for example, I depend on blood pressure medication). I just looked, and I think the evaluation process has changed now, though. 

    Everyone: Several people on this website, including me, have received a friend request that looks dodgy. If you get one, I recommend that you reject it. It's probably not a good idea to accept a friend request from someone who has never participated in the forum. 

  • Diane:    My husband was in India for two years with the Peace Corps and we have two friends, one of whom was in Malawi and the other in Vietnam (comparatively recently) after having been rejected once before for health reasons.  Don't think I'd be up to it now.  :-)   I just looked and also got a friend request from someone and agree; no idea who this person is....  

    Lindybird: Glad you got the $$$s sorted but sorry about family issues.  Hope OH's mole is now a thing of the past and that you have good weather for the last trip to the caravan this season.

    Hallo to all.

  • Yes, I had a very dodgy-looking friend request, which I deleted immediately. I'm always very wary about things like that. I was quite surprised it came through RSPB; I would have thought their filters would have picked it up.
  • Because of the mentions above, I looked & could see that someone I never heard of was asking me to email them. I'll ignore it. Another forum I read/write on has had several new requests for membership recently, which the Moderators say were probably originated from China.
  • LINDA - pleased finance negotiations are reaching a conclusion! Good luck for your OH's mole removal. Good that those two stresses will be over; sorry the family issue is ongoing, you need to try to put it aside whenever you can.

    DIANE and ANNETTE - I also got the friend request and ignored it. PAT - how did you delete it? I tried but it won't go away!

    Got the freezer offer this afternoon - and it will be delivered Thursday! I noticed they are now described as "horizontal freezers", but it will always be a chest freezer to me. It is a bit smaller than the old one, but I am happy with that as the other one was rather large for just three of us!
  • OG - It came in the form of an e-mail, and got deleted along with others I was deleting. It hasn't come back, so I assume it's safely in the rubbish bin.
  • HEATHER & PAT – OH has a small collection of clocks that show the correct time twice a day. LOL

    OG – Miss8 was unwell at weekend but Dau assumed it was something she ate. I think not. Soon after Dau left for school & kindy pickup, while I was sitting with a very subdued MissJ, s-i-l came home from work, grabbed a bowl and retired to bed. When the others returned, Miss8 disappeared into a book. MissL carefully unpacked her lunch box and then raced around chasing Toby, outside (in heat) to trampoline, carefully zipping the entrance, then back inside “full of beans”. Dau had been worried how she would cope “on her own” for the day. With only 3 eating, Dau rustled up some leftovers and sent me home early. Eye Doc is just the regular 6-month glaucoma check.

    More hot weather this week, fire bans. Yesterday’s midday (national) news showed California fires while a ticker ran across bottom of screen warning of NSW fires. Off to food shops before it gets too hot. Time to retrieve Esky from garage to transport meat & cold stuff.

  • Hi all. Thanks for all your news. I have had the odd "friend" request and fortunately I refuse unless I know them. Its like getting a so called email saying you owe money to PayPal which I know I don't. I always cheque my account first and then delete the mail.

    Well, the hospital rang today and they are putting me on a consultants clinic list to be seen again to see how they can go ahead. So I will wait for the appointment and then go and see what's what. At least they have got back to me quite quickly which is great.

    OG - hope the freezer saga resolves itself soon for you. Pleased to hear J is feeling better.

    AQ - always the same isn't it. One gets a bug and nearly always others go down with it. Sorry she had to miss a visit though.

    Annette - talking to son at the weekend he informs us he doesn't want a party but wants to visit the Grand Canyon instead. He has a big birthday next year. Sooner he does something he wants to do.