Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 October 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

OG: I left a couple of posts for you on the old thread. 

  • One of 10s of 1000s of fossils found in caves

    Selective lighting, sound effects and these two in the scary display

  • AQ: What a fascinating trip you had! I would have enjoyed that one. I wish I could have joined you. I thought the reconstruction of the Diprotodon was very interesting, a compelling animal! If I ever get rich, I'm going to visit Scotland and Ireland first (because of my heritage), but Australia will be my next destination.
  • AQ: Your post reminded me to look at your recent photos on Flickr. That silo art is fabulous! I loved the Pildappa Rock. Also, I want to live in the little Sheringa Church. It would be perfect for Indiana. The stone would stand up to the high winds/tornadoes, and the snow wouldn't pile up (and collapse) the very pitched roof. 

    Also, odd question for you: What is the exterior of the Yaninee Lutheran Church made out of? How do they make it? I think that's really beautiful.

    The south side of my house has sustained a lot of damage from the storms. It might be less expensive for me to simply demolish this house and build a tiny house. (I can't do it now. It would be a few years in the future after I retire and can draw my Social Security--government pension to you folks). I would love to build a tiny house with an exterior that looks like the Yaninee Church. I don't know whether it would stand up to Indiana's high humidity, though.. That's why I wondered how it's constructed. Thanks.

  • DIANE – I snapped my pics of Yaninee church through bus window. Looking closely at front-on view, it appears to be built of rectangular cement blocks. The exterior is then rendered (ie plastered) to give that fresh white look. Services are probably intermittent now but like most Lutheran churches it is well cared for. Our tutor’s pic shows the blocks more clearly. I doubt that Yaninee or Sheringa have ever seen snow!!! Duststorms certainly. I have more silo art to post but I like to display variety with my pics – churches one day, chimneys the next. You will have to be patient. <grin>

  • Tried to post on here an hour ago, <sigh> My tablet simply won't put it onto the Site - the Site keeps putting on a notice saying there is an error..... Yet my tablet will go all over the Internet and do other things, so it can't just be my connection.

    Here is my post:

    Good Morning. Colder here in the last two days, and all the leaves are turning colour now, so I guess it's really Autumn now!

    OG - Hope the menfolk had a good journey home, and you coped alright with all the visiting delivery men etc. You're certainly having busy times.

    AQ - Your reports and pics are always interesting, Thanks. We are all agog as to the building work going on behind you, too!

  • I'm going to spend today doing most of the things I didn't finish yesterday, on the HW front. Have been asked, belatedly, to supply sausage rolls for Sundays festivities, but as I don't have any sausages in the freezer which are suitable, can't get started on it until tomorrow when I will go out and buy stuff. No good asking my OH to get some as he will undoubtedly come back with the wrong thing!

    Edit:   Grumpy!  Me ???    - erm, yes!!

  • Just having my coffee (hot choc) break and I've seen a truly amazing piece on the BBC Website about a woman in Chicago, USA, who is trying to finish a quilt project which was abandoned after being started by a woman who has since died, aged 99. She was trying to piece together a quilt with embroidery depicting all of the States, and had planned it all and begun it, but sadly not finished. This woman has now contacted many quilters and embroiderers and they are all hoping to finish it, together. Lovely.
  • Thinking about LYNETTE today, hope all goes well.
    OG - I remember that you were concerned about location of hotel for your Manchester stay. Hope that you have got one in a good location.
    AQ - I enjoyed the chat between you and DIANE! Regarding the house with the pool - do your local authority send notice telling you of projected plans nearby? I got a letter regarding proposed alterations to a house across the road.
    ANNETTE - enjoy lunch today with daughter and grandson x
    LINDY - you are allowed a grumpy day, occasionally!
    Speaking of which - eldest daughter was here a wee while ago. She was not happy. She ordered a big heap of meat from a butcher in Forres. Said butchers have their own farm etc and it is important to daughter and OH - they like to know where their food comes from. Twelve pounds of minced steak arrived and the same of braising steak and son in law put it into the garage freezer without checking. So she will be spending a lot of time cooking. He thought that it would be already split up into 1 kg packs and it wasn't......

  • Oh heck, Heather! That's going to be a lot of stews and meatloaves!! I would cook them, then refreeze - I know that some things say on them not to refreeze, but I think meat which has not already been cooked is OK to put in for a 2nd time.

    It's rained with a vengeance, here. Non stop. I got lots done as I threw myself into the HW and even did some ironing, so I've got my halo on now. Also have re-read some old RSPB magazines, before throwing them away. It's very heartening to see how dedicated some volunteers and staff are, together with members of the farming community, all trying to help wildlife.