HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY FULL MOON!Sunday the 13th is the full Hunter's Moon. It occurs just a few days after reaching apogee, the farthest point in the moon's orbit from earth. So, this will be "smallest" full moon of the year 2019. However, because of the point and direction that it will rise, some sources said that it will appear large and orange!
Everyone have a wonderful week. My area had its first frost of the season last night!
I see we've had a double helping of Heather - ;-)) don't worry, it happens to all of us. I slept about 3 hours in total - - I'm a 7 - 8 hour person normally, if I can get it. If I can get off to sleep within ten minutes of putting out the light, I'm dead to the world, but if for any reason I keep turning over, then I'm doomed. I will plan the next five Christmases, write three poems, plan World Peace and mentally reorganize the kitchen..... I feel tired now but I'll be OK. Usually I go off well the next night so it won't be a problem. I've been gardening as its been dry - took out some dead foliage and planted in some pretty violas and pansies. My OH has trimmed the top of the hedge and cut the lawn, although it's very soggy. Now I'm off to get some teabags as someone seems to have forgotten to fill up the teabag jar!!! Vital!
Heather! I was quite alarmed to read - in your first post - about what was going on in your front border and wondered if you'd notified the authorities. Was most relieved to read in the second post that it was nasturtiums causing the angst. Phew! :-)))
Lindybird: Three hours sleep? Any chance of a nap? After a night like that I find I'm useless all morning but sort of wake up around 3 pm. Hope tonight is better.
I remembered to look at the moon last night but was already in my nightie and it was right overhead; sorry to say I didn't venture out to peer upward.
Busy day today.....
Take care all.