Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 October 2019


Sunday the 13th is the full Hunter's Moon. It occurs just a few days after reaching apogee, the farthest point in the moon's orbit from earth. So, this will be "smallest" full moon of the year 2019. However, because of the point and direction that it will rise, some sources said that it will appear large and orange!

Everyone have a wonderful week. My area had its first frost of the season last night!

  • The moon here was very bright last night, but small. And not orange. I wish I understood these things ...
  • Good Morning. Don't know my own name this morning, as I had a bad night last night. No idea why, but I just tossed and turned.

    Annoying, as it will hit me later when I want to get things done.
  • Thank you, DIANE!
    I didn't see the moon, completely forget to look :-(
    Sorry, LINDY, about your poor sleep last night. I'm used to it and function well on about 4 hours sleep but it must be awful if you are used to/need more. I hope you don't feel too awful today
    ANNETTE - I looked up your plant and see that it is native to Australia. It seems suited, therefore to dry conditions. Good luck with screening the untidy garden from view!
    AQ - well, you will know by now that I am always fighting weeds! The strangest thing has happened this year. We have always had nasturtums (? spelling) in the front border. This year they have spread like wildfire and are providing ground cover. So I think that I will let them continue.
    OG - I envy you, with a freezer full of runner beans! How do you decide what clothes to buy for the little ones? I have to ask the Mums, because my taste is absolutely not what
    is popular these days!
    PAT- well, I'm not exactly in the bah humbug club but I do wish that I could escape all the preparations and just enjoy the day, the excitement of the youngsters and so on.
    I've already had a request to go back to the 'big tree' that everyone remembers, together with an assurance that it will all be done for me, no need to do anything....
  • I see we've had a double helping of Heather - ;-)) don't worry, it happens to all of us.

    I slept about 3 hours in total - - I'm a 7 - 8 hour person normally, if I can get it. If I can get off to sleep within ten minutes of putting out the light, I'm dead to the world, but if for any reason I keep turning over, then I'm doomed. I will plan the next five Christmases, write three poems, plan World Peace and mentally reorganize the kitchen.....

    I feel tired now but I'll be OK. Usually I go off well the next night so it won't be a problem. I've been gardening as its been dry - took out some dead foliage and planted in some pretty violas and pansies.  My OH has trimmed the top of the hedge and cut the lawn, although it's very soggy. Now I'm off to get some teabags as someone seems to have forgotten to fill up the teabag jar!!! Vital!

  • We used to have a border full of nasturtiums, and they self seeded and perpetuated year on year. But then we had a wet winter once, and they must have rotted off, because they all disappeared.
  • Heather!  I was quite alarmed to read - in  your first post - about what was going on in your front border and wondered if you'd notified the authorities.  Was most relieved to read in the second post that it was nasturtiums causing the angst.   Phew!  :-)))

    Lindybird: Three hours sleep?  Any chance of a nap?   After a night like that I find I'm useless all morning but sort of wake up around 3 pm.  Hope tonight is better.

    I remembered to look at the moon last night but was already in my nightie and it was right overhead; sorry to say I didn't venture out to peer upward.

    Busy day today.....

    Take care all.

  • Lindy - The same thing happened here re nasturtiums (I checked this, in case spellcheck had its own ideas!)
    After a wonderful showing for two years, they all disappeared.
    Sorry about your lack of sleep. I get the odd bad night, but unusual for me. Hope tonight is better.

    Annette - I was also alarmed about what might be going on in Heather's front border!
  • Thanks for the alert! I thought I'd corrected the predictive text! That is what happens when I don't check before posting....
    I've chopped the roses each side of the front door. Still fruit on the ground out in the back garden. Have sent away for more moss killing stuff for the driveway. That will be £120 spent this year on this. Does anyone know of a cheaper option? It is an old tarmac driveway. I'd like to get new tarmac but a friend has just paid £8000 for hers and it is shorter than mine. I think that is extortionate!
  • Been trying to post a post for two hours!!