Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 October 2019

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  • dibnlib - I remembered that you also like the live screenings. We saw "Don Giovanni' and will go to see "Coppelia"

    I agree that they are done well, and we get interesting info about the performers and production.
  • Sounds good, Dibnlib and Rosy :-)

    My OH came home again late morning, as the golf course is almost under water, since it's been raining on and off for days. They had a conference and its been decided to hold the tournament later...... next April!

    Been doing lots of small things which have been waiting for attention. It's stopped raining, for now, and I missed catching a pic of a GS Woodpecker on our peanut feeder.
  • "Largest ever power outages in California" "More than two million without power"

    -- Do hope that Annette is OK. I know that she said she was prepared, just in case.
  • Lindybird:  We are fine here (for now), but all kinds of heck happening elsewhere.  Seems like Pacific Gas & Electric wasn't prepared in terms of communicating plans with customers who couldn't get info due to PG&Es web site crashing.    Our local TV station is brilliant about keeping us in the loop when these kinds of things happen - and we have short-wave radios too.   Meanwhile, sunny and calm here but lots of paperwork on my desk....   :-(  

    I was thinking of bjane last night - we haven't seen her for a while.....

  • Good that you're OK for the moment, Annette. Hope your area is unaffected.

    We had heavy showers but in between, quite bright skies. My OH watched the Woodpecker on our feeder, but also saw some movement and realised that it was a rat, shinning up the pole of the feeder! Presumably he/she couldn't get along the arm of the metal feeder pole to steal my peanuts! as it left without anything.

    I thought we saw a post from bjane, or a comment, not too long ago.

  • Yes, I'm pretty sure that bJANE entered into the tortilla discussion, ANNETTE.
    I've just been reading about the wildfires, glad you are OK and well prepared.

    OG - probably better to whip the whole gland out, sending best thoughts to you three.

    I've lost the plot a bit here, sorry! I have been reading all your news though. Thank you!
  • Heather: Duh. It's me who's lost the plot. Thanks for reminding me about bjane...... It's all a blur.
  • Annette: I've been watching the news of the fires and outages. I hope you'll remain safe and maintain power. 

    Hi, all. 

  • I’ve been lurking again. Little People behaved well for visit. They demo-ed the dancing they learn! It was Gpa who became grumpy by time they left. I keep forgetting to say I posted pics of unusual rock formations on my flickr, some days ago, so you need to scroll. Click on pics for description. Off tomorrow to lower leg of Yorke Peninsula. World is crazy, we have bushfires out of control in NSW & QLD, houses lost, 2 dead. Believed NSW’s were deliberately lit.

  • Enjoy your outing, AQ. Off to look at your rock formations in a minute. Glad you had a good time with the littlies.

    Good Morning, everyone. Dry here and calm. Just watching the reports of the hurricane approaching Japan, and a brief mention of the California wildfires. Also the attempt by Kipchoge to break the record for a marathon run, in under 2 hours. Could be interesting!
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