Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 September 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Annette: Enjoy your trip to L.A. 

  • Morning all:

    FORESTBOAR: Just caught up with your earlier post and explanation for decision to curtail trips. Thoughtful of you and your OH to save SD the extra work though too bad it eliminates further travels..... As someone said, day trips may be the way to go.

    HEATHER: More condescending males? I hope you told him where to put his attitude. I know YouTube can be good but I wish our local colleges/hardware stores, etc., held classes on how to fix normal household problems like plumbing leaks, electrical appliances, etc. I think there's a whole generation (or two) of women who'd like to know how these thing work, if only to know what repair folks are talking about and how to tell if they're feeding you a line.

    Busy day yesterday. Off to have lunch with an editor from the magazine today, then back here to visit with friend and dinner and home tomorrow after the rush hour traffic has cleared...

    Is anyone else having issues with the main page not showing the time of the "Latest post..." by whoever? It's taken me to the first page of the thread rather than the Latest Post.
  • ANNETTE- I'm not having that problem on my tablet but my desktop takes me to the first page, though. Maybe the ascending/descending option is something to do with it? I haven't attempted to change it on the desktop - I don't often post from there.
  • I've had problems with the latest post thingy for ages. Now I start at the beginning of the week's thread and go to the bottom to click on the arrow which takes you to the latest posts <sigh> <double sigh>

    Well, I've had a very mixed day. Before I left home, I took a phone call saying that as they'd had a cancellation, could they fit the blinds today? I said as long as it was in the afternoon, OK. Then I moved lots of stuff which was in the way, and dashed off to Handforth where our biggest M&S is. I bought a new saute pan and lots of M&S pies and products, as our most local M&S has just closed down.

    I was going on from there to Lakeland Ltd for a list of small things we need, when I got confused and missed my turn off, on a new road. Never mind I can just go around the next roundabout, I thought, and come back to where I want to be..... No chance, the next three big junctions were not roundabouts and marked "No right turn". I tried not to panic, but gave up all ideas of going to the shop I wanted. The road led ever onward: for a  v e r y  long way. I ended up near to Manchester Airport! But at least I'm familiar with driving back from there. So I drove home!

    When I got home and emptied the car, a van drove up -- the blinds man had arrived a whole hour early!

    After rushing to make space for him to work, with the help of my OH who had just come back, we left the man to his job: its all done, so glad I didn't turn him away. Whew! Now putting things back in their rightful places.

  • Just cooked dinner in the new pan!

    Heather, how awful that some men still think they can talk down to you. I hope you can get your boiler from elsewhere. We never use British Gas for anything, by the way, they overcharge. We use local people who are registered for the work and are just as skilled.

    Annette, enjoy your dinner, and have a good journey homeward.

    Just saw an interesting item on the news about the White Tailed Eagles now being established on the Isle of Wight - or at least, they're attempting it. Glorious birds. They have six youngsters taken from Scottish nests who they are freeing in the forests, to see how they get on. Its something like 240 years since there were any eagles in England.
  • Exactly, LINDY! I will get my knowledge up to speed and contact other firms.
    I'm glad that your blinds have been fitted but sorry about your long journey home :-(
  • Hello from me. Saw Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon this morning. He's offered me an injection in my hip, rather than surgery. Still need to wait as it needs a theatre and X-ray available to guide the needle in. He says I shouldn't have any problems as the arthritis is as bad as it can be so can't get worse, and we can change our minds later if we want. Had a good lunch at Garden Centre and spent an hour looking at all the plants - without buying any!
  • That is good news OG if you can have an injection rather than surgery, in the first instance anyway.

    How disciplined of you not to buy any plants! I think I would find that impossible.
  • Mixed then, OG - nice in a way to avoid surgery, but you do need to wait, which is a shame. Hope its not too soon, and that the injection has an effect. My sis in law had injections in her shoulders which were quite effective.

    Heather -- yes, the blinds are looking good. As soon as the man had left, I rushed out to see how they appear from the outside! So it was worth dashing around to get it done with. My long journey was only a nuisance in terms of stress!! My OH laughed at me, as he rarely gets lost and usually seems to know his away around.
  • Lindy, Do you mean the same Lakeland of all the useful things you never new you needed shop?
    I like that place too, but I have to ask myself whether I just like a particular item, or I can't live without it!
    Sorry you had such a difficult day, but at least the blinds are fixed. And you have a new saute pan.

    Annette, enjoy the dinner and have a good journey home.

    Heather, I hope you can find a decent local man who will treat you like the sensible human being you are.

    OH and I have been to a funeral this afternoon. A good neighbour of twenty years, who OH has been to many a cricket match at the Oval with.
  • High folks, still around but not a lot to say.

    Have bee reading all your news and note that a ML has been killed on the road, Annette - not very pleasant.  OG was pleased to see that you have been given an alternative to surgery, hopefully it will bring relief.

    Lindy - the country walk looked very inviting.  Do hope OH's thumb is better now!

    One or two of you I noted have had problems , do hope they resolve themselves.

    Weather down here has been fair if a bit cooler.   Do hope we are going to get a reasonable week next week as we will be away up in the Eden Valley. Hopefully visiting a part of the Lake

    District whilst there.