Hi folks,
Well another day has passed. I wasn't in much of yesterday but judging from the posts and pics not a lot was happening , it seemed to be a quietish day here.
Won't get much of a chance to look in until late afternoon tomorrow as I have other things on, so will catch up then.
Over to the night shift, happy viewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
A Cacophony of Ospreys!!!!! What a racket!!!!
Wow ... just looked back in again ... a nestful of ospreys ... making a din!!!!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
They won't be hungry for a while, today Joan!
EDIT: Many thanks for great reports from all the Night Crew.
Lindybird said: A Cacophony of Ospreys!!!!! What a racket!!!!
Ha ha - the Osp at the back of the nest looks like a Bandit about to execute a fish robbery.
Thought you'd gone Cirrus! Arn't they noisy!
"Stand & Deliver! Your fish or your Life!"
Suddenly gone quiet as some seem to have left, and the rest pick over the remains:
The last young one on the nest seems to have found some remains to eat!
.............and then there was one
Just had a quick look at last nights posts, when it was all crazy! It put on about 6 copies of one post I made, and didn't print two others at least where I did reply to you all.
The system went ' bananas' last night Linda. I had trouble even to get it to let me sign out.