Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday 29th July

Hi folks,

Well another day has passed. I wasn't in much of yesterday but judging from the posts and pics not a lot was happening , it seemed to be a quietish day here.

Won't get much of a chance to look in until late afternoon tomorrow as I have other things on, so will catch up then.

Over to the night shift, happy viewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Unknown said:

    Wow - where did Thursday go?!!

    Lynette likes to  rush the week to get to the  weekend LOL 

    Was anyone else having problems getting  on the site today?

    I was unable to get on this site, the  main blog  and the  still camera.


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Hey Barbara Jean: I tried to get on around lunchtime but the site never loaded.

    EJ has just arrived with a whale. #1? tried to grab it immediately and there was a little pecking at  EJ; then Titch, I think, flew in and #1 grabbed the fish from EJ and took it to a "corner" of the nest. Then Odin arrived with yet another fish (sorry, but a small, Odin-sized fish) and Titch snagged that one. EJ decided she didn't need to stay home and watch her greedy offspring scarf up breakfast, so she took off (maybe to get her own fish!)

  • EJ just delivered a whopper and  it looks like Eldest  grabbed it and mantled over it. .    Right behind her Odin  delivered a fish and Titch I think grabbed it.  He is  yelling at the fish as usual.  Ej is standing there in utter amazement at the  racket .  Now she flew off 

    Once again Middle didn't come to  the nest  to  try to  grab  a fish. Middle is  too  docile. It worries me 

    Eldest may be  a bit  stronger, but Titch is not  going to let that get in his way. He  has  pushed to the front to  get what he needs from the day he  hatched.  Even now  he is not a  adept as Eldest is at  tearing a fish , but he will grab one  and muddle through  it , grumbling with every beak full. But he  gets stronger every day 

    Eldest and Titch are definitely survivors!!   

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Morning Barbara Jean, I got in OK but very sllooowwwly.

    EJ brought a fish (her usual size), one juvie grabbed it then Odin brought a fish as well (his usual size LOL) and another juvie got that. Was laughing when the juvie who has the whopper was peaking his siblings smaller fish like wanted to check if it was tastier LOL

    EDIT: morning Annette :)

  • Good grief. EJ with another whale!!  Wonder where #2 is - aha - is here now!!.  OMG and here's Odin with Yet Another Fish. What IS going on!! Odin has left again and EJ and the chicks don't know which way to turn there are so many fish. Don't believe this: Piggy #1 is waddling over to EJ who's feeding it. Oh please, leave your mother alone for a minute!!   That's four fish so far and it's barely 6 a.m. UK time.

  • OMG EJ and Odin must be fishing together. They arrived  at the same time again with their fish.

    Everyone has a fish !! 

    Titch  grabbed Odin's offering. Eldest has his original fish  and  EJ is feeding Middle. 

    This is a great  sight. Titch took his fish to the  large branch on  the  right side. He is  balancing it on the large branch.  He is learning to eat in a tree:))  


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Was wondering how Titch was doing with that fish. OK, so EJ feeding #2 and not #1.  Now only EJ and one chick left on the nest, with EJ finally getting a quiet minute to eat breakfast.

    Hi and Bye Auntie, and g'night Barbara Jean, I'm off to bed.

  • Titch is full and flew away . Middle is full and flew away  EJ is still eating.  Eldest  has stopped  eating and walked away from his fish.  Now he also flew away leaving the  uneaten fish on the  nest.

    I am sure we will have a visit from Odin  shortly to  retrieve the  uneaten fish. :)  

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • EJ is standing on half of  her uneaten fish looking around for a  hungry  bird to feed .

    EJ's first  offering is  partially eaten  laying near the  front of the nest .  I am surprised Odin has  not  yet come to  retrieve it 

    Lately he  has been roosting  near the nest  waiting for the  juves to be full. Then he takes the left overs to eat. 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean