Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 August 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful, happy week. It's almost autumn, and night is coming earlier now. I'm seeing nature signs that indicate it's going to be a harsh winter here.

  • We are trying to relax now, after a fairly busy day - lots of good wishes via phone calls & messages, followed by a dash to the shops & then get changed and out for our lunch. Had a yummy time, no room for starters, but big plates full of chicken & leek pie for my OH, and ham & eggs with 'thick hand cut chips' for me, followed by desserts of sticky toffee pud with bananas, & caramel icecream for my OH, and waffles smothered in orange & Cointreau sauce, with Grand Marnier icecream. Phew! Had nothing else, drove home for a cup of tea and a sit down!

    Just made and iced some small chocolate cakes for the little ones, as our Youngest says he will call in for lunch with the family tomorrow, so we will all be together. A real treat.

  • You may find the place where we ate if you Google "The Fishpool" in Delamere, Cheshire.
  • Sounds great, LINDY!
    Gosh, you baked cakes after all that?
  • Only little buns, Heather. The most trouble was icing them: the icing looked a bit thick, so I added more water, then it looked a bit thin, so I added more icing sugar! Then, when I shook some hundreds & thousands all over them, they all rolled off! Had to add them a few at a time, by hand, LOL! Done now.

    Sorry to hear that you're still having trouble with your neighbour, Heather. Hope you can get a fence put up.

    ps I washed my hair this morning and it is one shade lighter again, but I'm going to have to get up before 6.00am tomorrow to wash it again before we leave!
  • Heather: Oh yes  I remember Sheana.  Sounds like the neighbor with the son may  not be "up" for thinking about replacing fences, but good luck anyway.

    Lindybird: I feel stuffed to the gills after reading about your lunch - and dessert! Then I Googled the restaurant and feel even more stuffed just reading the menu.  (I probably would have gone for the Raspberry Creme Brulee.)

  • The lunch sounds lovely, Lindy. Had you drunk any wine at all, before you had all that fun with the icing and hundreds and thousands?! Well done for making the cakes when you got back.

    Awful about that tree, Annette. What a butcher! Some folks do not realise the value of trees.

    We live in a conservation area, and have to have council permission to prune trees. They are only allowed to be felled if dangerous. My neighbour's car was damaged recently by a branch falling on it in the car park. Fortunately, it was not our tree. The owner called out some 'tree surgeon' (not) who chopped off some branches haphazardly. It looks awful. He wasn't allowed to fell it. He could have made it look a lot better, though.

    Sorry about your uncooperative neighbours, Heather. Good neighbours make such a difference, We have had some strange ones in our various abodes,
  • Annette, I don't know how my OH managed to eat his big pie with chips on the side as well. Then his dessert looked very filling. Mind you, we took our time and ate it all slowly. The waitress came during dessert to see if we wanted the plates taken away. "Oh, No" I said, "I'm just taking a breather!"

    There were several ladies on the next table, all celebrating one of their number having a 54th birthday. I offered to take a photo of all 8 of them, and they were excited. "Have we been very noisy?" asked one.... "Oh yes" I replied, "Dreadful!!" -- - so they all dissolved into giggles.
  • Just seen your post Rosy: um, yes, as my OH was driving, I had a very very large glass of Pino Grigio!!!

    But then, I didn't attack the baking until a few hours later.

    Must get to bed now. Up early tomorrow. May not post for a couple of days. Look after yourselves.
  • Good morning-
    ANNETTE emailed me an hour or so ago to say that neither she or DIANE were able to access the site.
    I don't know how to start a new thread so am posting on this one.....