Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 August 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful, happy week. It's almost autumn, and night is coming earlier now. I'm seeing nature signs that indicate it's going to be a harsh winter here.

  • LINDY - don't worry about moans ! For years we have shared good times and bad. I will never forget the support you all gave me when my OH died.
    I missed your post when I replied to PAT -
  • Lindybird: I also missed your post about receiving unhappy family news and other frustrating doings. Those kinds of days are the kind we're good at here so don't feel bad. :-)
  • Sorry didn't find time today - have been reading all posts. A fairly okay day for us.
  • Hello everyone, I think we have had the Marmite debate on here before. Agree, Vegemite just not the same.

    My OH eats Marmite every day. Maybe I should be getting stocks in!

    Sorry about unhappy family news, Lindy. Moan away. I think we have all been there at some time.

    Glad that all has been fairly okay today OG.

    I have done nothing more exciting than watering our containers and the two new flowering cherry trees. No serious rain expected here. Had a chat to the gardener about which part of the jungle to tackle next!
  • As a sort of postscript to the spider conversation, I was reading a rather old novel earlier today, written shortly after WW2. One character asks another, 'Aren't you scared when there are bombs overhead?'. 'Not as scared as I am of spiders!' is the reply. I wasn't around when the bombs were overhead - but I think I understand the sentiment!
  • Lindy: I hope you enjoy your birthday on Saturday. I wanted to post this card before you left home. 

    Vintage Image
    Labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Lindybird: Have a wonderful day with Amber (but is it your b'day too?)
  • Good Morning. Dry here.

    Thank you for the lovely card, Diane - how pretty (and is it a coincidence that it has a shoe on it?!) We are still going to be here tomorrow, and are booked to go out for a nice lunch, as Amber is going to celebrate the day with a party for her little friends (Yes, Annette, its our birthdays on the same day!). We decided to go down for our visit on the day after, Sunday.

    Well, I had to burst out laughing yesterday, as things went from bad to worse!! My OH told me that although he'd had a good round of golf, it had been marred by an 'incident' which spoiled things - can't go into it, here. He took Bonnie out for a good long walk, and she came back so smelly and dirty that she had to be thoroughly washed again! About the 4th time in a week! I spent the whole day an hour or two behind my planned schedule, after sis in laws visit, which resulted in an undercooked stew for dinner, and several things did not get done at all.

    But the most hilarious event was my washing my hair...... I needed to colour it, as I do that to lighten the shade a little, and also to cover the grey, which is now silver. I shut myself in the bathroom and tackled the instructions on my favourite brand, which I've used for many years now. But it had the dreaded words on it "New & Improved" --- this is always a worry. The packet said that there were slightly different ingredients and procedures, which I followed to the letter. When I emerged with my hair in a towel, I found that instead of lighter, my hair actually looks several shades darker! I looked like someone from The Addams Family..... My OH joined in my hilarity, and I fell over with shock every time I passed a mirror!

    First thing today is a visit to the shower to wash it again, and hope it washes out! At least to a degree. Watch this space!
  • Sometimes we have to laugh hysterically or we cry with frustration! I agree, Lindy - the words 'New and Improved' are usually a bad sign on pretty much anything. Glad your sense of humour has remained intact!
  • Oops - forgot to say ... Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lindy-and-Amber, happy birthday to both of you!.