Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 August 2019


Do check back to last week's thread for some interesting posts: a post from Annette about a wonderful parade, a post from Lindy about spotting a stunning parrot (!), and discussion of hummingbirds, butterflies, and more. There was a lot of activity.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and enjoys the dog days of summer. 

  • Good Morning. A damp start here again. Stormy winds and rain predicted for the next couple of days.

    My garden has never been so colourful, Annette, and it pays us back for our care of it, in spades. We sat out yesterday in the late afternoon sunshine, enjoying the blooms, the butterflies, and the noisy sparrows!

    However, yesterday my OH had a nasty shock from nature as he had a painful wasp sting from holding onto a door handle. I heard him hollering and thought perhaps he'd stubbed a toe, but he came staggering into the room saying it was still in his thumb - I examined it and managed to use my nails to pull out the sting. Then we put some anti sting cream on it which I have, it still swelled up but stopped hurting so badly. Today its almost recovered.
  • Heather, you have a busy life with your family. I loved books when young, and was often to be found curled up in a corner with the latest book I could not put down.

    Lynette, nice to hear from you.

    Rosy, your childhood sounds much the same.  Amber is almost five, but going on 15 listening to some of her remarks!   

    Nearly the weekend again already..... where does the week go?!

  • Can't let you be lonely on here, LINDY, even though the only news I have is that it hasn't stopped raining all day!
    It would be nice to think that J has his results by now, OG. This waiting game is worse than knowing one way or the other and I'm thinking about you three.
    ROSY - I don't like the jungle look either and youngest son In law was looking at everything today ( through the window because of the rain). I don't think he realises the amount of pruning/shaping that needs to be done.

    Regards to all
  • Our visitor the other day:

    Not seen it since!!

  • Lindybird said:
    Our visitor the other day

    I think that's a Crimson Rosella, a native of Australia. Careless of its owner to let it escape. 



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • That's a beautiful bird, Lindy! I hope the owner locates it, or it finds a place where it can thrive.

    All: I hope you all have power. I just heard about a massive outage in the U.K. Stay safe, folks.

  • Thanks, DIANE. No outage in North Scotland that I'm aware of but think South and East England badly affected. I couldn't log on to online banking a few hours ago, maybe that was the reason.
  • All okay in South of Scotland too, but it was a huge problem from Newcastle down through East of England, London to Liverpool and parts of the Midlands, Wales and the West - at rush-hour time too, affecting trains, planes and road traffic - and even some hospitals. Some trains are still stuck as all signalling has to be checked.
  • OG/HEATHER: From what I read, it was/is a real mess, so I immediately thought of the folks on this thread. Not that you all are a mess. LOL!!! You know what I mean.... LOL!
  • OG - I didn't realise that it was so bad. I'd only seen a little info online.