LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - AUGUST 2019

Link to July 2019 thread 

The 2 chicks were ringed on 4 July and assessed as female. They were given ring numbers JJ0 and JJ2, and later named by popular vote as Mallie and Rannoch. Both weighed 1.49kg on ringing but will weigh a lot more now after a further month's-worth of protein-packed-piscine-parenting.  The WT subsequently said they thought Mallie may be male. S/he fledged on 20 July and Rannoch on 27 July.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • Ian S said:
    One of the WT chatters called Sunbird who also (I think) posts to the YT chat has been counting fish deliveries this year.

    What a task to take on!  I think he's a cert to achieve that target ;)

    That's made me think... so ospreys can have quite an impact on fisheries :o

  • Fish is devoured and she is giving a gentle call, cleaning her beak and checking around her, perhaps in the hope of the 400th fish!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thanks Ian. No doubt about it, Louis is a champ! And a superb provider.
  • Sadly, Scylla, that is why a fair amount of migrating North American ospreys are shot as they cross over fish farms in Cuba and Central/South American countries.
  • Louis with FISH !!! !!! !!!

    Rannoch collecting - it's a good headless fish.
  • I think that Rannoch flew with the fish but returned with it, she's now standing over it talking to it or herself or both.

    I'll have to catch up on this later, g'night all :)
  • Louis has now delivered fish 400 to Blue JJ2 Rannoch , the count was from the day JJ2 hatched and that is 87 days today . Louis and Aila have been so amazing this year , let us hope they return safely from their migration next year . Louis of course and JJ2 are still with us , I wonder for how much longer .


  • In the hope that this page doesn't crash again... it's gone three times now and I am left with a bit statement and a warning triangle:

    That Was Unexpected...
    We apologize, but an unexpected issue prevented the page you requested from being available. We've logged the issue so the site administrator can resolve the problem.

    I can't get RF either.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Well at least that posted, so I'll try again.

    Scylla, it was great to know that Louis has indeed provided his 400th fish to Rannoch, and the question where does she put it all! Earlier you said:

    " That's made me think... so ospreys can have quite an impact on fisheries :o"

    Of course in this country that was indeed part of the demise of the species. Fish ponds were a feature of the large houses and fish was important in Catholic England for the Friday meal, I think. So osprey were persecuted. They the posh ladies wanted fancy feathers in their hats…No doubt it still goes on in their winter quarters, where they will also provide a meal or two for a family.

    You said there was a fish delivery at 14.15. I can't find that on the scroll back, but I did find a Louis delivery just after 15.00 which of course she came screaming in for. She flew off with it within a few minutes. She came back at about 15.15 with her fish tail, talking again to anyone who would listen, looking around all the time. She did more calling than eating in the half hour or more she was there. She got down to the difficult bit, pulling and tugging and gave up about 16.00, leaving the difficult piece on the nest. She went to the back of the nest and flew off leaving the tail piece on the nest.

    I'll post this and continue just in case it disappears again!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I had the same trouble/notification this morning, Sheila