Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 July 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful and blissfully cool week!

  • EE and OG Very Happy Anniversary to you both. We hope you enjoyed a delicious meal to celebrate.. I saw on breakfast TV that a lady in Bude had her 100 birthday telegram delivered on horseback. It turned out that a relative was the local postmaster and as she remembered when mail was delivered by horseback, he thought it would be a good idea. She looked delighted.
  • That car probably has more security than Daniel Craig. LOL!!!
  • They brought my telegram today -
    A man on a horse rode down my way!
    I was so pleased to see him trot
    Right up my street, and he was not
    A bad looking lad, though no Daniel Craig,
    But all the same, my day was made.

    I hope when I'm 101
    My friends will think of something fun
    As way of celebration gay -
    Perhaps James Bond will come my way.
    Or I could parachute right down
    Into the Wimbledon courts,
    In a bright pink gown :-)
  • I echo Diane. Brilliant, Lindy!!! I like exclamation marks!!!

    I love the story of the telegram being delivered by horseback. I remember our bread arriving in a horse and cart.

    Keen gardeners used to race out with a shovel to collect the the horse manure. We used to feed it an apple.

    This rather dates me!

    Heather, Glad Callum enjoyed his meal. Well done for having all those things to hand. I suppose you are used to him popping in.
  • ROSY: I remember lurking in the passageway between the houses with a bucket and spade waiting for Thomas the milkman's horse to pooh so I could rush out and scoop it up for our garden. :-)
  • Good Morning, sunny here. Lots to do, as our Eldest and Amber are arriving on Sunday afternoon, to stay with us for a few days.

    Hope that OG and EE had a lovely Anniversary yesterday.
  • ANNETTE, I am so glad that you also remember those times. As soon as I had typed, I thought it must appear completely bonkers now!

    Lovely that the family are visiting, LINDY. I am sure you will be busy.
  • ROSY/ANNETTE - I also remember the steaming heaps on the road as the milkman's horse passed by. At the risk of upsetting the tummy of some folk, I can also remember the gardener at the maternity home I worked in, many years ago. He collected placentas and swore that they were very good for the rose beds....
    DIBNLIB- I saw the report about the card delivery to the lady. Marvellous!
    ROSY - Callum always says 'I love this cupboard, Nana!' It is always well stocked for unexpected visits.
    I'm off to Elgin again tomorrow and will stay overnight.
    I heard a sad story on World Service last night, a hospital in Tennessee town (Jamestown?) had to close because not enough paying patients to keep it running. Now, people with urgent conditions will die because nearest hospital is miles away. I heard about Medicare and Medicaid but apparently they have to rely on patients with health insurance through their employment and because the town doesn't have enough work places with that facility they can't keep going. Awful.