Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 July 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful and blissfully cool week!

  • Morning all:

    OG:  Congratulations and hope you enjoyed the anniversary lunch.

    Heather:  Costco's hearing aid department and (they also have an eye department where you can get tested and buy glasses too!) are top-rated by Consumer Reports; everyone we know who has hearing aids swears by them and of course they're much less expensive than other places.  OH needed his checked out; turn he he hadn't opened the battery doors when he took the aids out at night, which wore down the batteries very quickly as they spend the night trying to hear something.  Anyway, whereas I'm usually repeating myself endlessly and/or shouting at him to turn down the TV, I barely could hear it myself when he put them in.  Our washer and dryer are near the kitchen and when I was doing laundry the other evening, he asked me why the washing machine was so loud!  I told him that's the way it's always been and I can't adjust it.  Honestly.  The aids have a "restaurant" adjustment that decreases background noise, but we haven't tried that yet and I've heard from others that it does help but generally still needs tweaking.   Callum will probably be happy with just a giant plate of chips!  :-)    That's three exclamation marks - does that make me like Donald Trump?  

    Diane: Watched the second debate last night and was surprised and pleased that some of the "second tier" folks did so well.

    Off to help friend who has an ailing OH with her garden upkeep....

  • HEATHER: Keep a lookout for Bond...James Bond!!!

  • Ha ha, DIANE! Just looked at the link. It is our local daily paper... OH always read it every day :-)
  • My gosh. Callum came in, ate two packets of crisps, two mini battenburg cakes and three chocolate biscuit bars while I was cooking his dinner. After a big plateful of chicken and chips he is now eating a Magnum ice cream. I'm afraid that the salad, grapes and fresh pineapple and mango that were available were not touched...... He is well over 6ft tall with hollow legs. Not what I'd call a healthy diet, though !!!
  • LOL Diane!

    Went to see my Friends OH: he is coping well and very glad now, that he has kept on the cleaner who they hired when she was ill - the cleaner now does less hours a week but is very thorough and at least he knows he's "decent" if anyone comes around to visit, with him hoovering now and then in between the cleaners visits. Embarrassingly, he didn't mention the "bit & bobs" of makeup, creams etc. which he found in his wife's bedroom drawers and had offered to me if I wanted. I would not have presumed to mention it, so now we are at an impasse as I expect he would like to get rid of a few things. Ho hum, perhaps another time....

    We discussed politics, Brexit and cats and dogs. Also the state of our sweetpeas, as his tower is waay bigger than mine!
  • Heather, my "boys" were like that. Hollow legs, we used to say, too.

    I once worked with a woman who said if she had nothing in for their meal, she just put on the frying pan and they had egg and chips. I think that happened quite often, she was rather disorganised in most things, LOL!!
  • HEATHER: Apparently, the filming of the movie will be a big economic boon to the Aviemore/Inverness region -- several million pounds will flow into the area because of the filming. You might see Daniel Craig!

    Also, Rami Malek is in the new Bond film. I loved him in the TV show, Mr. Robot. He played a hacker, and it was a riveting series. I didn't get to see the last season. This winter, I might pay a subscription fee to finish watching it.

    You can steal that new Aston Martin Valhalla and ship it to me if you see it sitting around Aviemore. LOL!!!

  • No problem, DIANE - keep your eyes peeled!
  • You can steal Daniel Craig, for me.....