Report to follow and LOTS of photographs too. 

  • Hi Mary.……..so that's where you've been"!!
  • Hello Everyone

    Birdie and I went along to Loch Garten 60th Birthday Bash on Saturday the 21st July 2019, and we had a lovely time.   It is a pity that the Osprey that paid a visit waited until evening and didn't arrive in the afternoon to delight many of the visitors. 

    There was a good turn out of people visiting from all over the world which was great to see, and I enjoyed chatting to Blair, Sarah, Fergus, Mike, Alex and many more of the team and volunteers who were in attendance.  

    There was certainly plenty to see and do, including the Forward Hide being open to visitors, so I better apologise now for the many photographs in this post, it is hard not to include so many. Grin

    Julie Quirie baked a lovely cake, which was cut by Marina Dennis (niece of the legendary Bella MacDonald) and Alistair McCook who was one of the original team from Operation Osprey. 

    What I found so interesting and probably the highlight for me was an old Black and White film from 1960, which I tried to take photos from when it was being shown, they are not the best of quality but will give you an idea of some of the footage from it.  

    Birdie will probably add her photos later on as she is a bit busy at the moment.   

    What a great chance to see the Visitor Centre from the front

    The forward Hide

    The famous binoculars from the German Submarine

    Complete with Swastika 


    On the back of the forward hide door, photos of some of the teams from previous years, some will recognise them I am sure. :-) 

    A new display within the visitor centre

    Material that has been made into long lengths hanging up in the VC, maybe they should auction it off to raise funds :-) 

    Cannot forget the wonderful Nimrod :-) 

    Some small trees have been chopped down in front of the VC (looking out towards the nest) to make nice feeding stations

    The cake cutting, there was a big crowd so couldn't elbow in to get a nice clear shot, this was the best I could do. 

    Will add the Black and White stills from the 1960's film once I have had a lunch break. :-) 

    Here are the photos from the film,  I am not sure about any details of the footage apart from it was from 1960 (So I was told) :-) 


    Who do you recognise in this photo :-) 

    Well Fergus told us to take LOTS of photographs, and I did just that. 

    Thanks to all the staff on duty that day, everyone made it a day to remember. 


  • Wow! Thank you Mary for allyour time and patience putting this together so that 'the rest of us' don't feel left out. I'm glad to hear there was a big turn out, and that many friendships were remembered and rekindled. It looks to have been a grand day and that a good time seems to have been had by all!
    Thanks again Mary
  • Thank you Mary, as Helen says, this sort of account brings the events and location to those of us who are not within easy reach. Much like one of your videos!
  • The sad thing in this 60th aniversary it’s the first time I can remember since Ospreys returned to the UK at Loch Garten in the 1950’s that no Ospreys have attempted to breed and there have been brief and very few appearances by any Ospreys at the Loch Garten Osprey nest and I really fear the same in 2020 as well sadly. So will this be the end of an era of Ospreys nesting at Loch Garten?



  • How wonderful!! Congratulations to all of you!

    And of course to the brilliant Loch Garten!
  • What a lovely report thank you Mary. Fascinating to see the history and also, the luxurious accommodation in the forward hide! So glad it was a happy day despite the absence of the main stars. Fingers crossed for next year.
  • Thanks for the update on the 60th Anniversary at LG Mary. Looks a nice part where the new addition is. Such a shame that there were no Osprey around on the big day. I am sure everyone had a lovely day and enjoyed a cuppa along with a slice of the celebratory cake.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks, Mary, for your wonderful report. Fingers crossed that there will be a pair of Ospreys nesting at LG next year.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks for that great report and wonderful pictures MARY I wonered where you were
    Such a tragic irony that in this special year there are actually no ospreys at Loch Garten Wonder what the61st year will bring?