WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday July 21

Welcome all to the new week.   :-)

  • ps We heard from our son yesterday that little Rosie has now exceeded her birth weight, so all is good, there.
  • Lindybird: Yes, children come out with MUCH more chatter and questions than dogs. :-) And they're bright-eyed and full of them the minute they wake up. Good that Rosie is catching up nicely.
  • My eldest daughter used to jump up and down in her cot once she was awake, shouting 'Brek bust, brek bust'.....

    Callum lost out to his cousins today. Mia and Isla arrived and got the crisps and fizzy drinks.( they had already had lunch ). Just after they left , very excited about their holiday, he arrived, I didn't know he was coming to wash his car so he is having to search around for sustenance, poor starving lad :-)

    LINDY - good that Rosie is thriving xx
  • LOL about the "Brek bust" Heather!! -- a good description of the meal!

    The Man has been, and we laughed as he did the equivalent of standing by your car bonnet, and saying "Ah, well, this will need fixing first" and "I don't know if we can match this bit up to that bit........"

    So he's gone off with his tape measure and clipboard, and will let us know after the weekend.
  • LOL about the "Brek bust" Heather!! -- a good description of the meal!

    The Man has been, and we laughed as he did the equivalent of standing by your car bonnet, and saying "Ah, well, this will need fixing first" and "I don't know if we can match this bit up to that bit........"

    So he's gone off with his tape measure and clipboard, and will let us know after the weekend.
  • ROSY - will reply tomorrow. Rest easy now, after a busy time
  • Ooer -- I see my last post came out twice, for no reason I can see....

    A beautiful evening here, with sunshine as it prepares to sink down. Two smartly dressed seagulls are standing on a nearby roof, silhouetted nicely against the brightness, and some busy blackbirds are foraging in the grass which has been strimmed. We have glorious hydrangeas next to us, in two colours of pale and a rich luscious blue. Bonnie is gazing out of the window, but all of this beauty is lost upon her, as she hopes to see the rabbits which come out to frolic on the grass. She smells again, having rolled in something, somewhere, which spoils the idyll somewhat!!

  • DIANE, Sadly, my son is not coming back here - not yet anyway. He is well established in his work in Ohio.
    He will obviously be visiting as frequently as he can, to see his daughter. We will be able to see her more often than previously.
    I am sure that looking after other people's dogs is hard work. You feel very responsible, and do not know them as well as their owners do.

    LINDY, Good that Rosie is catching up.
    I hope The Man can sort something out for you. He is obviously putting some Thought Into It!

    ANNETTE, yes, I know what you mean by children launching into full flow as soon as they wake up.

    HEATHER, I am sure Callum managed to find something for sustenance. He seems to know his way around your kitchen.
  • ROSY: Sorry I was nosy. I was just wishful that you could all be together. Maybe your son will be able to come back soon. Life works in odd and unexpected ways sometimes. Enjoy your granddaughter.

    LINDY; I'm so glad that Rosie the baby is thriving. She sure is beautiful!