The Scottish Ospreys from extinction to survival by Philip Brown

This is a wonderful book describing how the ospreys were first extirpated in Scotland around 1916 and then were found to return in 1954.

A number of people on the forum now have a copy so we can have a discussion about it.

Here is what the book looks like.  Its ISBN number is: 9780434089109


  • That is quite true, Tiger.  They knew so little about ospreys back then.  I suppose if they weren't nesting here they couldn't have know how they would behave here or when they would arrive, lay etc.  I am sooo glad that they persevered.  I am really glad you told us about this book.  It is good for us to know the background as well as enjoy what we have now.  It makes us appreciate it much more.

    It is our female that arrives first rather than the male, just as Marge arrives first too.  That seems to be different than in the past.  They also seem to arrive earlier now!

  • TIGER- you'll be pleased to know I finally finished Scottish Ospreys a couple of days ago. Have to agree with you - I was also amazed they knew so little about Osps yet , why would they since the birds were not exactly established and breeding (and all that)

    Had to  give most of chapter two a miss, I just found it too upsetting

    What dedication !!!!!!  what they put up with to ensure the Ospreys got the best possible chance at breeding. I'd  like to personally slap them on the back and shake their hands. A very big thank you from me.

    Amazing that you and Chloe actually met George Waterstone's brother.

    So, thank you for the recommendation TIGER

    Ooo, Abbi is talking Ospreys now

  • Well, I found an ex-library copy at a very good price yesterday, and it's now on it's way to me.  Mind you, it's coming surface mail from UK, so I might give it to myself for Christmas!  ;-)

    Smiles, Jan.

  • Wattle15 said:

    Well, I found an ex-library copy at a very good price yesterday, and it's now on it's way to me.  Mind you, it's coming surface mail from UK, so I might give it to myself for Christmas!  ;-)

    Congratulations. You will have a bit of a wait but no doubt it will get to you.  It will be an excellent Christmas present.

  • You will love it, Jan!

  • LOL! Val, it was your recommendation that really convinced me I must have a copy!  I just googled the title of the book and had a whole list to choose from.  I was lucky enough to find an ex-library hard-cover copy in fair condition for 3 pound, so after my longish wait I'll have it for less than $15 Australian, including post.  I don't really mind the wait - with our spring starting tomorrow, I've got such a lot to do before I can put my feet up and settle in for a good read!  ;-)

    Smiles, Jan.

  • Val C said:

    You will love it, Jan!

    You are obviously good at this! :)

  • Hazel b said:

    You will love it, Jan!

    You are obviously good at this! :)


    Tiger, Valc and I have been firm friends across the miles for a lot of years now, so i take her recommendations seriously.  ;-)

    Smiles, Jan.

  • LOL LOL   It is a bit of a circle then cause if Tiger recommends it then I pay heed too!!!!!

  • Val C said:

    LOL LOL   It is a bit of a circle then cause if Tiger recommends it then I pay heed too!!!!!

    Interesting concept.