What with one thing and another, this is a very difficult task - too difficult tonight, so here's the new thread and that's that!
This is a leap!
Cam did come back up not too long afterwards.
DAYCAM 04:51
Stream is not live at the moment.
I cannot keep on top of this cam.
EDIT later:
Buffering but I haven't caught much of the circle:
It was off line for me about an hour ago, and just now it is up, but buffering occasionally and jumping between pixallation and clear.. A lovely day, unlike Loch Arkaig.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
SHEILA mentioned:
"jumping between pixellation and clear"
I'm so glad to see you report that, SHEILA, because my screen version is doing it all the time whereas the downloaded stream does not - and I didn't know if people might think it was my display's fault but I was sure it was not.
I don't suppose we'll ever find out what could affect the screen but not the stream :-/
As you say, the cam is live but buffering. I've set it on 15-minutely refreshes and am logging off for some time, we'll just have to use rollback later.
Oh dear, mine is now live/buffer/offline repeating.