What with one thing and another, this is a very difficult task - too difficult tonight, so here's the new thread and that's that!
DAYCAM 04:04
What a dull 'n misty morning it was:
Still dull and misty but brightness shouldering its way in:
Bright and beautiful! Little bird on the campost - it went onto the nest and there have been other little birds since, but not ID-able ;)
on the tree perch... but only for one minute - it must have decided on another breakfast table :(
Terrible resolution :'(
I realise these snaps are useless but am milking the occasion.
Arrival from right:
Bypassed the nest:
In favour of tree perch:
Contemplated its fish with some tail waggles:
No, it didn't head for the campost, it passed behind the nest:
And out of our bottom right corner:
EDIT - This is from catchup on the new downloader, just in case it's clearer - it's still been sharpened/brightened etc.
scylla said:I realise these snaps are useless but am milking the occasion.
Milk away scylla. In fact, double cream, clotted cream, jersey cream away. Your devotion to this nest is phenomenal.
Cam buffering/down/buffering.
It had come back up so I informed Carnyx, but now it's down again. Unless the Live Now link disappears from the YT Channel page I have no way of noticing when a new one is issued, and anyway nobody knows or understands what I'm talking about :'(
Back up.
No it isn't. It keeps changing to nestcam with short grass on it, then other stuff.
Carry on sylla....
For you perseverance and determination I would award your 'scylla
15 Jul 2019 8:53 AM' post a 'double like' if I could