Link to previous thread: Manton Bay – June 2019
The season so far: Maya arrived back 14 March and Blue 33(11) on 23 March. Maya laid 4 eggs 2, 5, 8 and 11 April hatching 11, 11, 13 and 17 May. The four chicks were ringed on 21 June as follows: #1 Blue 054 (F), #2 Blue 055 (M), #3 Blue 056 (M) and #4 Blue 057 (F). Further details of their vital statistics can be found here.
Link to Webcam\Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
056 preens while 057 does some exercises. Good few wing flaps and little hops but no height as yet.
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
Sorry I'm so late, have been either zonked or angsting over the LG cam :'(
This was 054 following Maya up to the perch:
(Regarding the confusion earlier when everyone thought there were only 2 left on the nest - #4/057 had been lying down behind the others, that's why I posted her sudden burst of activity, I should have explained better.)
Some more serious wing flapping and helicoptering from 056
Here's a super helicopter from 056, you'd think he could've reached the perch if he wanted to ;)
13:36 33 arrived with a fish followed by Maya
33 flew off leaving Maya to feed 056 and 057
055 arrives and then 054 returns to the nest.
Maya offers some fish
Nice to see all four on the nest
L-R - 054, 056 and 057
is 054 about to go off again?