Link to previous thread: Manton Bay – June 2019
The season so far: Maya arrived back 14 March and Blue 33(11) on 23 March. Maya laid 4 eggs 2, 5, 8 and 11 April hatching 11, 11, 13 and 17 May. The four chicks were ringed on 21 June as follows: #1 Blue 054 (F), #2 Blue 055 (M), #3 Blue 056 (M) and #4 Blue 057 (F). Further details of their vital statistics can be found here.
Link to Webcam\Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
055 returns.
He may have come down from the cam post as I saw the nest shaking before his arrival?
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
All four on the nest having a rest no doubt waiting on dad delivering supper
Maya arriving with some fresh nesting material
Chicks look up as 054 rises up out of sight
054 and 056 wing flapping
054 hovering and 056 furiously wing flapping
Lots of helicoptering from 054
out of sight ... for a while, I thought she had gone!
but came down on top of her siblings
I'm off now. What an exciting day it has been BFN
KAREN, your snap of Maya with the scraggy clump was the first unfrozen landing (or take-off, for that matter) that I had :(((
It's just as well that y'all didn't wait for me to produce videos - thank you, BIRDIE :)
PATILY underestimated 055 ;)
Text book fledge and return He must be tired now after all his subsequent flights
055 kept going until nearly 9 o'clock at night !!! At which time I got my first moving take-off and landing !!! ;)
So confident!
Lots from flapping from before daycam, then one juvie took to the air while two others each cast a pellet:
I think this was 057 joining in the fun, she'd been sitting down for a very long time: