Link to previous thread:   Loch of the Lowes - June 2019

The season so far:    LM12 (Laddie) arrived back 15 March and LF15 (Lassie) on 23 March.  Lassie laid 3 eggs on 4, 7 and 10 April hatching 11, 12 and 16 May.  Sadly on 26 May tragedy struck and the third chick died.    The remaining two chicks were ringed on 26 June as follows:  #1 Blue PT4 (M) and #2 Blue PT5 (M).

Link to Webcam\Copyright:  © Scottish Wildlife Trust – Loch of the Lowes

  • Apart from two additional visits to the nest by PT5, at 20:52 and 21:28, there has been no further activity
  • Very lovely scene......bot have breakfast

    C SWT LotL

  • Good morning Patily and all. A lovely sight to see, thank you Slight smile

    First delivery from Laddie was 5:45(ish) PT5 had been waiting on the nest, PT4 flew in. When Laddie came with the fish there was quite a battle to claim it

    PT4 won

    6:20(ish) PT5 received the next

    He was thoroughly enjoying it too, as per Patily's capture.

    Lassie did come to the nest and finished off PT5's fish after he had flown

    7:20 ENS

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • Just after 7:30, Laddie brought another fish, Lassie was already waiting on the nest

    7:48 She's still waiting for a taker

    8:19 After waiting so very patiently, Lassie flew from the nest taking the fish with her

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • A brief outline of activity since my last post

    9:48 Laddie delivered a fish

    PT4 to the nest

    After eating his fill, he flew from the nest leaving the remainder of the fish. Lassie found it a short time later

    10:50 There was an intruder alert, Laddie came to the nest to help defend

    Alert over, I think it was PT5 who flew in but didn't have any of the fish.

    He left and Lassie flew after eating the remainder of the fish

    ENS since

    LS down 12:15

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • 14:10 PT4 was waiting on the nest

    14:23 Laddie in with a fish

    14:58 He flew from the nest

    ENS ever since

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • 16:38 Lassie, PT5 and PT4 were on the nest when the next fish was delivered by Laddie. PT5 claimed it

    17:05 PT5 still eating (right)

    PT4 shouting!


    17:22 PT4 was finally able to take the remainder of the fish



    17:36 He left after finishing the fish

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • 17:55 Laddie delivered a (very much alive) fish to a waiting juvie (need to confirm ID, possibly PT4?)

    Once he'd finished eating, PT4 left the nest. Lassie appeared at 18:45 to eat the remainder

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • Good morning all
    6:54 The only fish delivered so far this morning. PT4 was on the nest waiting

    PT5 flying in (left)

    7:32 PT5 grabbed a mere morsel of fish that was remaining

    7:33 PT4 flew from the nest first then, as soon as PT5 departed, Lassie paid a brief visit but no remnants of fish to pick up so she left too (7:39)

    Edited to show clearer pic after setting change

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • 10:50 Next fish came in at around 10:50  Cam is quite out of focus and it's difficult to ID the juvenile but I think it's PT5

    Lassie made a grab for it when she landed, he took it from her and ate at the side of the nest

    Clearer pic edited in

    Lassie left the nest during PT5 eating but arrived once again after he had left the nest at 11:30(ish). She found a small piece of leftover fish

    ENS since 11:40

    I realised my settings had changed on the LS, the reason for blurred captures!

    Edited in to show a clearer pic that it was indeed PT5 who claimed the fish (that was a lucky guess! lol)

    Copyright SWT/LotL