Link to previous thread:   Loch of the Lowes - June 2019

The season so far:    LM12 (Laddie) arrived back 15 March and LF15 (Lassie) on 23 March.  Lassie laid 3 eggs on 4, 7 and 10 April hatching 11, 12 and 16 May.  Sadly on 26 May tragedy struck and the third chick died.    The remaining two chicks were ringed on 26 June as follows:  #1 Blue PT4 (M) and #2 Blue PT5 (M).

Link to Webcam\Copyright:  © Scottish Wildlife Trust – Loch of the Lowes

  • PT5 gave a nudge to his brother after PT4 tried to steal the fish

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • That was funny! Hope PT5 is none the worse.
  • VALERIE reported @ 07:01

    Around 6.12 ish this morning Blue PT5 was wingcising and took a jump over Blue PT4 and landed on the edge which gave way and he fell off , perhaps Scylla has done a video ? I have done one which is on Loch Garten and other ospreys , I am sure he didn't mean to take flight , luckily enough he was okay and returned to the nest after a fly around , must say watching it again it was scary

    No I didn't, Valerie, my stream had dropped out and I didn't restart it until about the time you were posting!

    Riddled with guilt ;) I have now recorded it from rollback and synced the sound (as best I can) and upped the volume... and who was that skydancing later, and for whom? :o


  • PT5 finished the fish. Hopefully PT4 will eat when the next one is delivered

    18:02 Gorgeous boys - PT4 on the left

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • Hi Scylla,

    I hope you don't mind me saying but PT5 fledged perfectly yesterday evening (6.7.19), this morning's mishap (that you've shown in your vid), was when he slipped off the nest after 'helicoptering' over PT4.

    PT4 had a text book fledge at 13:54 this afternoon :)

  • 21:07 A fish at last from Laddie. Lassie flew in immediately

    PT4 snatched the fish from Lassie and tucked in at the back of the nest

    21:15 He was enjoying his meal until PT5 took the fish

    21:33 Lassie took the fish from PT5. PT4 sauntered over to her from the left side of the nest and she fed him as well as herself

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • 22:14 I've heard three separate gunshots in the space of a minute!

    22:17 Quiet now, the noise didn't bother PT4 and PT5 (front) and stayed settled down

    Copyright SWT/LotL

  • A super doop video Scylla, the siblings expression and attention says it all :)
    I snapped up a download for my folder.
    thanks for the captures Sandra
  • Sandra P said:
    I hope you don't mind me saying but PT5 fledged perfectly yesterday evening

    Not at all, Sandra, and thank you!  The last time I made a mistake I took a terrible pasting on YouTube, I shall change the title PDQ !!! :)


  • scylla said:

    Sandra P said:
    I hope you don't mind me saying but PT5 fledged perfectly yesterday evening

    Not at all, Sandra, and thank you!  The last time I made a mistake I took a terrible pasting on YouTube, I shall change the title PDQ !!! :)

    You're welcome BUT it was PT5's 'alarming fall'  Slight smile