Link to June 2019 thread (Following Karen's excellent example of providing useful links....)
On 1 July, chick 1 is 30 days old. Chick 2, from egg 3, is 27 days old.
Apart from the sad failure-to-hatch of egg 2 , everything has been reasonably settled on the nest, and Louis is in the running for Mary's 'Fisherman of the Year Award'.
Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust
I've not been able to post snip pics.... otherwise engaged
10.50 ish Aila landed on the nest, mantling
Rannoch soon joined her. Aila stopped mantling, but called.
Aila flew off, and returned, followed by Mallie. Alia mantled and called, fledglings hit the ground.
They stayed like this for a while when Rannoch clearly thought all was clear and wondered why Mallie was still down - but calling for fish!
Aila flew up to the perch, Mallie stood up and called
Mallie flew off. Aila remained on the perch and Rannoch on the nest
and Mallie flew off, followed by Aila, leaving Rannoch alone again who lay down
11.21 now
She has paddled beneath her to get more comfy. Not too sure why she is so low. I can't hear anyone calling off the nest, but she is keeping very low.
© The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Rannoch has finally got up
Relaxed at last!
The ladies are in town
(c) WT Loch Arkaig
scylla said:
So here's my fledge video, wart and all ;-D
Lovely video thank you scylla. So funny to see Rannoch trying to get her left foot on the branch. Watching her unfurled and flapping wings just after that made me sad that the season will be over in a few weeks
After a visit by Mallie, who flew off, Rannoch has just had a flap in the right corner. The corner where she could be hidden. But I think after her flap which brought her to the corner, she seems to have flown
12.23 a flap
and disappeared!
All of a sudden I couldn't use 'Use Rich Formatting' and when I tried to post that wouldn't work either. Then I realised I was no longer logged in. Hmmm!
12.24 Mallie landed on the nest, and has been calling to parent unseen. Is there a tree or a perch uphill of the nest.
Plip plop of rain, and the cloud level has dropped. There might be an osprey on the twiggy tree beyond, not the tree with no branches.
Calling louder
Calling louder and louder
Mallie had been lying low.
14.11 Aila arrived and Mallie was up and expectant. The gift? A clump of moss!
Aila flew off and Mallie lay down beside the cushion!