LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - JULY 2019

Link to June 2019 thread (Following Karen's excellent example of providing useful links....)

On 1 July, chick 1 is 30 days old. Chick 2, from egg 3, is 27 days old. 

Apart from the sad failure-to-hatch of egg 2 , everything has been reasonably settled on the nest, and Louis is in the running for Mary's 'Fisherman of the Year Award'.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • 14.37 Rannoch has some vigorous flaps, rather too close to the edge for my liking!

    Rannoch watches

    and Mallie lands

    Mallie is chattering!  Where's the fish Dad?

    Rannoch is not joining in

    © Forestry and Land Scotland - Aberfoyle OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Aila has joined the girls

    and flown

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 15.02  Mallie has been very noisy, but to no avail, and she has now flown leaving peace and tranquility in the Glen!

    You can just make her out in the cloud above and to the right of Rannoch's head near the top of the screen.  Rannoch watches her


    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 15.18 Lots of 'fly jumps' across the nest just now! Not very high though.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • More flapping from the back to the right hand side.

    she gets to the edge


    But she was being sneaky 

    she was just out of sight!

    15.29 Aila landed.  Followed swiftly by Mallie obviously thinking fish was in the offing.  Aila took flight leaving the two girls on the nest

    and the cloud lifts

    15.33  Aila returned and Mallie demands!  Aila leaves!

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 17.50, Rannoch is on Robin's perch and back down again. Ian

    17.53, fledged just exactly as Mallie did, perch first then gone.

  • Until about 17.00 Rannoch stayed in her corner perched on the conveniently placed large stick, preening and being quiet.  Mallie joined her when Aila arrived, but still no fish and no sign of Louis.

    At 17.00ish she had a flapping session and got quiet excited with large jumps across the nest.

    Whew that was exhausting.  Now for a period of standing on the far side, a spot of preening, checking on the surroundings.  Just over half an hour ago Mallie joined her again and once more it was she who was calling.  She mumbled away to herself as she tried to move some sticks around, not all were being cooperative until she found a large one to move from the right to the left and a smaller twig nearer the front.  Turing in circles she called before taking off.  Rannoch was quiet throughout the visit.

    At about 17.50 she had another flapping session and lifted off about a foot on one occasion.

    Mallie or Aila could be heard calling off the nest.  Rannoch checked the skies all around her.  Was it an alarm, was it an incoming fish, she wasn't sure.  A jump across the nest and she was out of view again, but not gone.  She FLEW TO THE PERCH!!  and squealed.  Help mum!  She couldn't get both feet on the perch and dropped back to the nest!

    More jumps and flaps, more squeals, and more calling off the nest from Mallie.

    and at about 17.56 she flew off the nest.  RANNOCH HAS FLEDGED!!  

    It feels horribly lonely!

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • From the LA chat
    5:57 PM
    George Anderson
    ​Our eyes across the loch (who Rannoch was named after) reports she had a fly around and is now sitting in a tree near to the nest. Excellent first flight!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 18.09, Mallie arrives to the empty nest.18.13, Aila arrives back. Mallie must think she has a fish as she grabs at her talon. The look of disdain when she realised there was no fish was priceless. 18.20, the same thing happens again. Ian