Link to June 2019 thread (Following Karen's excellent example of providing useful links....)
On 1 July, chick 1 is 30 days old. Chick 2, from egg 3, is 27 days old.
Apart from the sad failure-to-hatch of egg 2 , everything has been reasonably settled on the nest, and Louis is in the running for Mary's 'Fisherman of the Year Award'.
Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust
Afternoon fishes rep9orted by TRYING & IAN :)
This one was a shadow on the way in:
Regarding the accidental zoom - it couldn't be any clearer! I wonder if, like Manton Bay, they just didn't know they could do it?!!!
Carrying on from when I packed up...
Aila went to chase up a fish ;)
The kids were quite lively:
And bedraggled!
Aila returned to the Robin's perch and thence onto the nest:
It rained and rained and the insects were out, you need a movie to appreciate them:
This disturbance was for the sake of a chick-poop but it did coincide with the flyer:
Gosh, another from the same chick!
Third poop of the night and a jolly good flap - I was doing you a vid when the 4 o'clock buffer hit and it didn't recover until daycam.
Aila flew and the chicks have been lying down ever since:
Looks like mist returning
C WT Loch Arkaig
Yes she did, but no fish forthcoming.
Ian S said:Regarding the zoom, they did know they had the capability but as the camera is not manned
But they can zoom it remotely as long as someone with "authority" is on it?
Ian S said:I have also seen a few forecasts of terrible weather in the next couple of days
Oh no :'( Thanks but no thanks, Ian ;)
Aila flew:
BREAKFISH !!! :)))