LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - JULY 2019

Link to June 2019 thread (Following Karen's excellent example of providing useful links....)

On 1 July, chick 1 is 30 days old. Chick 2, from egg 3, is 27 days old. 

Apart from the sad failure-to-hatch of egg 2 , everything has been reasonably settled on the nest, and Louis is in the running for Mary's 'Fisherman of the Year Award'.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • IAN reported that George Anderson said:

    ...Lewis has been watching their development on camera and wonders if Mallie might (and I stress might) possibly be a boy.

    I've started catchup from your (IAN) report of the nipping on the previous page and as I scroll thru "I'm sure JJ2 must be a boy" is repeating itself over and over in my head!  Then I turned the page and saw your post.

    They do get sexed at a very young age, unavoidable, so it's not surprising if they change in a week or two ;)

    This is not supposed to reflect the conversation but I had just done it on a whim - JJ2 behind:

  • Ref Korky reporting a fish and feed at about 09.00. When Louis brought the fish in, Mallie took it. Rannoch tried forcibly to take it from Mallie and ended up on the wrong side of a pretty sustained attack from Mallie. Ian
  • CATCHUP from yesterday evening :o

    The "nipping" reported by IAN:

    System is working:

    JJ0 Mallie loves to look over the side:

    But is out of focus if too far to the right:

    My footage is scrolling jigglily (!) again, I nearly missed this fish delivery.  Rannoch was right on it.  This was the final fish of the day:


    Mama's on watch, both juvies had a good lying-down preen and dropped off:

    Rannoch preparing for a poop (which turned out to be transparent):

    Either this was pilot error or Aila deliberately hit someone on the side of the nest - I'm going with the latter theory:

    First, a fat flyer:

    She was focused on that spot as she approached and it is far from her usual approach direction:

    The usual approach direction:

    And she looked very wary:

    Time for the other juvie's poop preparation, again no good view:

    At 02:00 my internet went down.  It's taken me ages to sus that, because it appeared to be a routine big buffer here but investigation has revealed all cams/downloads affected, they went into pause and when this cam recovered it was very blurry for a long time :(

    For instance!  It started raining quite heavily and Aila came down to shelter the chicks:

    Aila flew:

    The juvies were soon up and flapping and preening but I won't post blurry snaps.

    However, I will post one to show them dive when they heard Aila alarm calling:

    They stayed down until this moment:

    More alarm calling:

    What an awful nuisance!

    Aila got her own back on Rannoch, lifting her by the wing - it was a mistake, she was trying to pick up a small stick she'd just dropped on Rannoch:

    Another dive:

    Aila came in for a couple of minutes, then off again:

    She brought a clump:

    Then this !!!  Completely spontaneously !!!

    First FISH !!!  Small and live:

    Rannoch lost it when it flipped away:

    Mallie took advantage:

    Being thoroughly addled, I'm leaving it there for now.

  • 14-25 Big headless Fish

    On roll-back... I see there had been a whole tiddler delivered about 10-10 as well

  • Just after I left off from this morning's small fish, we had a spat the like of which we haven't seen for a long time!

    Rannoch started it, wanting his/her fish back:

    Mallie finished it, quite viciously!  Mostly a blur of aggression!

    Aila took no notice, apparently, but did use the opportunity to claim the fish ;)

  • Another small delivery, Rannoch got it and was fed by Aila in the end:

    Rannoch often like to snuggle under:

    And again!

    Nice big portion of FISH !!!  Aila took it and controlled the feed:

    Frenz again - Janus formation:

    I haven't seen Mallie get significant height from her frantic flapping yet, and Rannoch likes to windercise lying down :o

    I accidently cropped this and I'm not going back to find it again so it's all you're getting ;)

    Aila has been intruder-chasing a couple of times.

    One of the juvies is currently chirping and chirping and chirping!  Rannoch, and s/he's just stopped.

  • Am I the only one who can't really see much of a size difference between the chicks? If only they would stand on a level part of the nest & equally close to the camera for a while! I am veering toewards thinking that the original estimate of both being girls is correct. Ian
  • My last snap above, Rannoch looks very female :-/