LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - JULY 2019

Link to June 2019 thread (Following Karen's excellent example of providing useful links....)

On 1 July, chick 1 is 30 days old. Chick 2, from egg 3, is 27 days old. 

Apart from the sad failure-to-hatch of egg 2 , everything has been reasonably settled on the nest, and Louis is in the running for Mary's 'Fisherman of the Year Award'.

Link to webcam, courtesy of The Woodland Trust

  • Unknown said:
    Yes, Aila positively trod on him - still, bit of an over reaction. Thanks Scylla, captures caught video action expertly

    Trying, don't know if it was a typo but apart from Louis there are no "him" on the nest. Both chicks are girls despite Rannoch sounding like a boys name (in my opinion). Ian

  • Trying...who me?......I never said him @Ian Stuck out tongue

  • How cute,,,just now.

    scylla said '

    At 17:15 scylla said that Rannoch "coughed":

    Three quite loud "coughs" - don't you be sickening for something, Rannoch! :-*

    And Aila still has much to teach the chicks..... Rannoch didn't even attempt to cover her beak with her wing when she coughed... This younger generations manners, just spread those germs, who cares Smiley Stuck out tongue

  • Ian S said:
    Trying, don't know if it was a typo but apart from Louis there are no "him" on the nest.

    It was Cirrus, IAN, and I'd already heads-upped her - she's at work at the mo :)

  • MIKE Thanks for the info about their names
    IAN You are not alone in thinking Rannoch sounds more like a boy's name
  • I understand the association of the name 'Mallie' to this nest..ie...the very close by 'Glen/River Mallie
    But I am still at a loss trying to work out what the association of the name 'Rannoch' is to this nest.
    Can anyone help me out?

  • It is detailed on the site somewhere but from memory I believe it is a name associated with Bracken.
    Thus Rannoch is in fact dedicated to the indomitable Liz Bracken who does so much to keep us in the loop when the 'system' goes down.
    A scroll through Chat will find the formal answer.
  • Trying said:

    Trying...who me?......I never said him @Ian

    Sorry Trying, my typo Slight smile Ian

  • Trying said:

    I understand the association of the name 'Mallie' to this nest..ie...the very close by 'Glen/River Mallie
    But I am still at a loss trying to work out what the association of the name 'Rannoch' is to this nest.
    Can anyone help me out?

    Hi Trying, it is a nod to Liz Bracken, the person who lives near the nest and uses her telescope to provide updates on happenings that the camera can't pick up. Liz was invaluable when the camera was down in 2017 (solar powered battery ran out) & 2018 (lightning strike). See below from Google. Ian

    Rannoch (Raineach or Raithneach meaning bracken in Gaelic) is an area of the Scottish Highlands between the A9 road, to the east, and the A82, to the west. The area is crossed from south to north by the West Highland railway line. Features of the area include Loch Rannoch and Rannoch Moor.