Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, June 30 2019

Happy new week all.

OG: Glad today went well for J.  Please tell him Happy Birthday from us.

  • I am glad that you are not too affected by the earthquake Annette. Sorry for those who are.

    The Independence Day party was good . We were met at the door by a life size cutout figure of you-know -who!

    We all subsequently had a photo taken with the VIP. Alarmingly realistic.
  • Morning all:

    Lindybird:  Congrats to parents - what a lovely name (made me want to break into song).

    Rosy: I'd I'd been met by a life-sized cut out of DT, I'd've run for the exits.  :-))

    OG: Yes, well, it would be nice to be sure that fault wouldn't connect to the San Andreas (it's alleged to have occurred at the south end of a fault).  However, it intersects one fault that then intersects the San Andreas fault, which runs SW-NE along the interior about 80 miles north of us.  Hmmm.

    Granddaughter is on her way back to AZ; I've just cleaned out the refrigerator so I can see what's in there; we are off to the Natural History Museum this afternoon which has a brand new Butterfly Pavilion plus a dinosaur exhibit. The museum is located along a creek, heavily wooded, etc. and apparently the dinosaurs are positioned among the trees and bushes!   Tomorrow it's the Final in the Women's FIFA cup.

  • This stupid Site won't let me even go back one page to see if I've missed anything <fume>

    Rosy, the party sounds fun: not sure how I'd react to a life size cut out, either! LOL!!

    Sunny here now. Sitting down to digest roast pork dinner plus wine and strawberries (Scottish) to celebrate our new family member. The sun came out again at about 4.00pm. I expect there could be a nice sunset over the sea, here - we sat on the front to watch one yesterday. Very pretty.

    Only blot on things is, our son sounded worried this afternoon as baby had not fed yet, just slept a lot. :-(

  • Enjoy the butterflies and dinosaurs, Annette. Your earthquake had made the News, here. Hope there's no damage or fatalities.

    Wonderful weather for Wimbledon this year! Looks warm!
  • ANNETTE - much better geology than I could find - thanks for explaining fault lines intersecting. Hope you are enjoying museum along with Ms D. There is a wonderful butterfly house in St Andrews Botanic Garden which we visited last year, and Miri etc had been there last month - she loved it. We also have at our nearest garden centre a "DinoPark" for young visitors!

    LINDA - celebration dinner sounds good! Hope you get another lovely sunset again tonight. Probably too early to worry about babe not feeding - she must have needed a rest after such a quick birth!

    Lovely day here, gardening in the morning as it was forecast to be cloudier in afternoon. Stayed good for Annan's Riding of the Marches - we stayed home, but did have the final ride out passing here last Monday evening - at least 60 horses, including some really little people on ponies.
  • Bought a cute "windmill" this morning to give to Rosie when we see her. We are going to stay here tomorrow, then head home on Monday, maybe visit baby on Tuesday. Other granny is there, helping, at present.

    Plonked into my vase on the mantelpiece.

  • Annette - just heard on the news about another earthquake in southern California - do hope you are all OK. Keep safe.
  • Lindy, that's marvellous news and a great name too. Save the visit for a day or so and then enjoy your newest GC.

    Annette - just posted re earthquake but now read you are not too near, which is good. Not sure when they landed but I expect they may have come over and were either farming or to do with the railway, not sure which but will try and find out.

    Take care all.