Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, June 30 2019

Happy new week all.

OG: Glad today went well for J.  Please tell him Happy Birthday from us.

  • Evening all:  Just had another earthquake. This time a 7.1 in the same area as the July 4 one (about 200 miles away).  Still a gentle rolling but with one mild jolt.   Can't imagine it was met with the same equanimity by the folks near the epicenter in Ridgecrest.

    Lynette:  Any idea when your ancestors arrived in California and where they landed?  It became part of the U.S. in 1850 but lots of Europeans were here coming here in the early 1840s.  Gold was discovered in 1848 and that brought a flood of people from all over the world.

    AQ: Ms. D awoke early and we spent a while on my iPhone checking out the weather forecast in other parts of the world. Looks like you might be in for some rain?

    G'daughter, Ms. D and I spent the afternoon at the beach; it was lovely and relaxing.  The July 4 fireworks in Santa Ynez were good but it was much much cooler than in previous years so we were all very glad to pile into the car afterward.   Gdaughter is leaving for Arizona tomorrow; Ms. D is staying on until Wednesday.  Daughter is arriving Tuesday and g'daughter and I will meet somewhere Thursday so she can take daughter and Ms. D back to AZ. Phew.  Logistics!

    Take care everyone.

  • Wrote a long post an hour ago..... gosh, I hate this Site sometimes....
  • Right, that posted. Try again.

    Our latest Grandchild born last night. D.in Law went into labour in the early hours and baby girl born at 3.30am. Mum and baby doing well. Baby approx 5lb 6oz. (More than 2 weeks early!)

    She is to be called Rosanna Maria Linda. I expect we'll call her Rosie.

    Have to decide now, when to head home and when to go down to meet our 4th grandchild!
  • LYNETTE - glad you have a cool spot in your lounge during the heat of the day! Yesterday was less sunny here - today sky is very blue and less wind so OH is spraying weeds among pavers under the ramp!

    ANNETTE - just seen news of the bigger quake before coming here. They say it can't spread to San Andreas fault, but there could be more to come north west of LA! I also noticed heatwave in Alaska - hmm - all part of climate change? Pleased you are okay there; stay safe

    LINDA - congratulations on new arrival - small for a girl, but so long as she is healthy all will be well. Did we know it was going to be a girl, or did I imagine that? Hope you can get to see her soon!

    HEATHER - hope you are feeling much better now, and can enjoy Amy's party!

  • Thanks for congrats. Son had said that there were hints of it possibly being a girl, but they weren't 100% sure. So now we have two boys & two girls: Amber by our Eldest, and Tomasz, Matthew and Rosanna by our Youngest son. There definitely won't be any more! But we're more than thrilled!

    Small for two reasons, OG - d.in law is a tiny thing (takes size 6 in clothes......) and baby more than 2 weeks early. But she's fine.

    Glad you're OK, Annette -- I was writing about your dramas when I heard our news, and then I wrote a long post with lots of detail which I've now totally forgotten! Heather, enjoy your party.

    Off out now, back later.
  • Correction: Youngest has now appeared on Facebook with photos and name of child -- its spelled Roseanna. I just jumped in with what I'd heard on the phone. She looks as cute as you can be, when you've been a bit squashed for a while, and then propelled into the world rather quickly.

    We had drizzle predicted here, but it turned into proper rain which meant that our outing around Caernarfon this morning was shorter than intended. Bought lovely strawberries though, and some bargain books for my OH.

    Edit:  The skies have dried up, now.

  • Lindy: I'm so happy for you and your family. Best wishes to the little one. 

  • Congratulations Lindy. What lovely news.

    I love your description of the birth!
  • Annette: I'm very glad that you're okay, but I'm very sorry for the folks in the disaster zone. I have the special CBSN livestream on that they've dedicated to coverage. Very sad. 

    Have a nice weekend all. I'll start the new thread tonight.