Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, June 30 2019

Happy new week all.

OG: Glad today went well for J.  Please tell him Happy Birthday from us.

  • Been trying to post for an hour or more, on my tablet: the Site won't let me!
  • Ah, now that I'm on the desktop it will let me in...

    Right, I'm booking a bed right now, at your place in 2024, Diane....

    It felt like an honour to rescue the bird, it was worrying that it was going to perhaps damage itself on the windows. I had to act fast, as it felt as if time was of the essence. But I would have loved to have held it for a while!

    Have been saving approximately two bees a day which have got trapped inside, too. They have been coming in as buzzing on some colourful geraniums growing right next to the door which of course in this weather is wide open.

    The sun is trying to peep through now, here. Been photographing more blooms in the garden. I should really be doing other things! Bonnie is laying on her back on a chair, tired after her early walk today.
  • Robin reminded me of a picture I took in the garden a few years ago:

  • Lindy, It was good that you were able to rescue the robin.

    I managed to do that once, in a small village church we were visiting. It felt so fragile, but it was lovely to see it fly away after being in distress.
    So now you are a bee rescuer too! How do you catch those? We have a fly catcher, but is a bit small to rescue bees safely.

    Annette, your trip yesterday was obviously a great success. You even got to do some reading! Well done.

    We are off to an Independence Day party later, at some American friends. Hope all over the pond are having a good day, however you like to celebrate.

    Best wishes to OG and family, Dibnlib, Heather, Lynette, Diane and every one else not mentioned.
  • Rosy: Have fun at friends'  house.

    Lndybird: You win the Search & Rescue halo this month!

    Kids still asleep and it's gone 9 am.  Maybe they escaped out the window....

  • Hello all
    I'm sending good wishes for Independence Day - to our friends in the US.

    It has been dull here, all day, with light rain showers but I was determined to do some work in the garden. Have also caught up with some inside jobs which were neglected for a few days when I was under the weather.

    Sorry no replies - maybe tomorrow!

    Take care, all.
  • Garden time both morning and afternoon today!

    J has received his Christie appointment - 17th July, for Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration. We have booked 2 nights at the Trafford Centre in the same rooms as last time.

    Tired and getting late so no more now.
  • Hi, all. 

    Rosy: Have a lovely time at your friends! I meant to say earlier that I'm so sorry about your OH's illness and that you've had such a rough year. I wish all good things for you now. I'm so glad you've been able to rejoin us on this thread.

    All: I've come on here because I just heard about the earthquake in southern California. I'm assuming that Annette is just fine. I've looked at a map, and the quake was well east of her near the Mojave Desert. However, it was felt in Los Angeles as a long, extended rolling quake, and I'm seeing reports of some fires and damage north of L.A. I assume that Annette and her family felt it, so I'm just sending good wishes to Annette. No injuries have been reported, so I reckon all is okay for her.

  • OG: I'm so glad you have the appointment. Sending you all strength and love.
  • Diane: Yes, we were eating breakfast and gradually became aware the lights over the dining room table were swaying - but gently. It was, as you said, a long rolling quake (lasted what seemed like a couple of minutes); no biggie as long as nothing bigger shows up!. Got on the USGS website, which stopped responding after a couple of minutes because so many people were logging on. Thanks for thinking of us.