Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, June 30 2019

Happy new week all.

OG: Glad today went well for J.  Please tell him Happy Birthday from us.

  • Thanks for finding the time to post about the eclipse, Diane. I hope things are going well with your big project.

    Annette, thanks for your comments about my OH. He is happy now that he realises its not as serious as it could have been. He used to drive his father's tractor when he was too young to reach all the controls, in the summer without a shirt on. But of course, in those days no one worried about being sunburnt!  EDIT:  according to a leaflet we've been given, quite often the damage is done before you're 20 years old.

    Heather, poor you - I do hope you feel better soon. Take it easy for a while.

    Got through a big pile of ironing, so things are getting tidier here. Hoping to drag my OH off to the Sale in John Lewis tomorrow.

  • Good evening (from here anyway) all,

    I have managed to keep up with most of everyone's news. Best wishes to those of you who are going through difficult times at the moment, for various reasons.

    We did not have a very good start to the year here. OH had a spinal op in January. He was initially recovering well, but then had a wound infection. Two more followed, with yet more antibiotics. He was very unwell for several weeks. The diabetes then got out of control.
    I am glad to say that he is now mostly back to normal. Not sure that I am!
  • Lindy,

    Glad that your OH is happy and that his problem is not too serious.

    Interesting about the info on that leaflet. I had no idea that the damage could be done before 20 years of age.

    No, no suncream then. We all thought it was healthy to spend time outside in the sun, soaking up vitamin D.
  • Thank you, Rosy. Sorry to hear about your OH being so ill -- and not surprised that its taken the stuffing out of you! Try to take it easy now that hopefully he's over the worst.
  • Rosy:  My dermatologist gets a  bit frustrated with patients who tell her they eat healthy foods, protect their skin and can't understand why they  have skin cancer.  Yes, she says, but what were you doing decades ago!?

    Diane: I saw the info about the eclipse and will likely be toggling in between that and the FIFA Women's Soccer match with England.  Kids are due here for a late lunch....

  • Wispy grey clouds here, but a dry day predicted. I may wash Bonnies favourite dog bed (she has two) as its very substantial and will take two days to dry, I should think.

    We are off on an exciting (?) trip to John Lewis to look at laundry hampers, as the one in our bathroom is literally falling to pieces. We may stop for a coffee & cake before going nearby to the big M&S, where I'll drool over the food.

    EDIT:  I may try to persuade my OH to buy a couple of new pillows, as he has a favourite pillow which is very sad now, and he's had it for ages and I'm sure its not healthy!! 

  • Good morning, all.

    ROSY – this is OG here – well done re-joining us – I never did manage it so am being Eagle-Eye for the time being! We hope to rename when we find out how – to include us both! Sorry to hear about your bad start to the year with OH’s health; I hope you will both be able to enjoy he summer.

    AQ – how wonderful to get the rain at the weekend – I suspect the farmers – like farmers everywhere, will say it was not enough!

    ANNETTE – foods for eight-year olds? Don’t be led astray by some of the rubbish labelled “kids’ food” sold in supermarkets!

    HEATHER – I also wondered whether you might benefit for a short visit with the Danes, but not the full five weeks! Sorry you were having a bad day yesterday – could have been the amount of unaccustomed meat at the BBQ.

    LINDA – pleased your OH got the biopsy result and assurance that it is just an insurance measure to have further surgery around the mole site. Also that the appointment is soon. I wonder if you will succeed in getting him to the John Lewis sale! We each had a new pillow from J Lewis when were down there – such a choice, and what we decided on is brilliant – they suit us both!

    LYNETTE – pleased the weather has been more comfortable for you – quite variable here the last two days, but barometer is rising again now.

    DIANE – thanks for eclipse info!
  • Decided on a new post for happenings here yesterday. J started the day well, but didn't get a message he was expecting, and became agitated. Calmed down a bit for lunch, and then the sky fell in!

    While OH was out shopping, the endocrinologist at The Christie phoned. J's recent Thyroid ultrasound scan showed several nodules, one of which is unusual, so he has to have a needle biopsy (I'm not sure whether this is a fine needle aspiration, or the bigger one which snips a bit off). He opted to go down there for it rather than locally, and she talked to me too and I confirmed it will be another family trip to Manchester - she said it will be some time within two weeks.

    J's first reaction was "One lot are trying to sort my head out and now this lot want to stick a needle in my neck!" I let him tell OH about it when he came in, but the rest of the day he was very fragile, and once again we are "treading on eggshells"! He's walked into town this morning, allegedly for coffee, but I suspect he will eat a cooked breakfast and then not want much lunch. After years of relative normality, it is unfortunate that things are cropping up now - when we two feel less like coping with it, but I know he is grateful that we are still around.

  • Hello all
    I'm still feeling stupidly peelie wally (!) but better than the last couple of days so onwards and upwards...
    Just not doing replies but want to send regards to all and thank you for all your news.
  • Oh, dear, Heather -- sorry you're not feeling much better, but as you say, the only way is up, now, and perhaps by tomorrow you'll feel stronger. Hope you can rest.

    OG, sorry you've had a bad day. One thing after another. It sounds as if J is getting the best of care, and hopefully they'll get to the bottom of it. You could try pointing out that once they can label what is wrong, he can get treatment and feel a whole lot better. Very difficult for all of you, I know. Thinking of you all.