Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, June 30 2019

Happy new week all.

OG: Glad today went well for J.  Please tell him Happy Birthday from us.

  • Welcome back ROSY.

    We had an inch of rain over weekend. Yeay. I hope farmers received it too.

  • Nice to hear from you, Rosy, and glad you're back with us now. Its such a pain when these complicated things defeat us. I'm so pleased you didn't give up!
  • Crossed posts with you, AQ -- good that you got some rain.
  • Rosy: Welcome back!!  Too bad your son is so far away.  When you've recovered your speech, let us know what you've been up to.  

    Heather: Are the Danes inviting you on another cruise or just to visit?  Five weeks is a long time; could you go for just two?  It might be nice.   I do have some ideas for entertaining Ms. D, but we'll play it by ear....  That BBQ sounded nice, relaxing and fun too.  I share your dream of a small caravan, though I'd prefer an all-in-one vehicle and not have to worry about towing.   (Looks like we're out of luck as regards J's cake!)

    OG; Really glad to hear that things went well for J and  that he seems better.  Perhaps the small celebration and supportive nephew helped turn things around.  

    I went shopping for 8-year-olds' favorite foods today; discovered all kinds of new products in the supermarket but it took so long to figure out where they were stashed.   Our summer seems to have arrived; cool mornings and warm breezy afternoons....

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • Good Morning. Dry but rather grey & cloudy here. Happy July!!!

    Heather - How lovely of your Danish friends to kindly invite you on their trip. I understand why you don't want to go, though.

    Annette, enjoy the company of MissD!

    We are off to another clinic appointment for my OH today, but I hope to fit in some ironing around it.
  • Quiet on here today. Went for my OHs appointment at lunchtime: a chat at the clinic where they removed his mole the other week. The mole is/was apparently a very low level, pre- cancerous one and the recommendation is that he have further minor surgery to remove more of the skin below it and around it, just to be sure its all gone.

    He's booked in to have it done in a couple of weeks, so that will be the end of it. He was tense this morning, so must have been worrying about it. I was waiting to see what was said - no point in worrying until you know, I said :-)

    Sun coming out here now, but I must get on with ironing the stuff that's been washed in the good weather we've been enjoying.
  • Hi all, thanks for your news. Weather here is cooler and cloudy with occasional sunny intervals - mostly overcast though. At least the humidity has gone.

    OG - pleased to hear that J's birthday went well and that he coped with the little visitors. Do hope eye op will go ahead whilst he is off.

    Diane - see that your freelance project is progressing if somewhat unconventional , ie, night working, day, resting.

    Lindy . that's good news about OH. At least they are going to do peripheral work to make sure all traces are gone. Same happened to a friend of mine. Had a particular skin lesion on cheek but had it excised and then further treatment to make sure there is no recurrence.

    Not a lot doing here. OH is watching the cricket, I am catching up on here. Dau is off to see Yesterday with her Sister-in-law tonight.
  • Lovely to see ROSY back !
    I'm not feeling too good today, some sort of stomach upset - which is very unusual.
    I'll come back later or tomorrow.
  • Morning all:

    LINDYBIRD: Tell OH not to worry from someone who's had at least three minor skin cancers removed and expects more to pop up in the future. And I didn't even get badly burned as a child.

    HEATHER Sorry you're not up to par; take it easy.

    LYNETTE: Hi there!

    The Use RIch Formatting page was "not found"' Oh well....
  • Hey, folks. Just popping in to post about tomorrow's eclipse. No time for in-depth replies. Sorry. I just will say that I hope Heather feels better. Also, I'm so glad to see you, Rosy! I wondered what happened to you. And, Annette, I hope you enjoy your time with your granddaughter and Ms. D!!! Lindy, I'm sorry about your OH!

    A total solar eclipse will be visible Tuesday, July 2, on a path that sweeps across South America from coast to coast through Chile and Argentina. You can find a good list of websites where you can watch a livestream of the event HERE. The websites include: space.com, timeanddate.com (their website and their YouTube page), exploratorium.edu, and nasa.gov.

    Scroll down on THIS PAGE to see eclipse times based on your time zone and UTC, plus maps, animations, and other info:

    Take care, all.