Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 June 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Raining and raining and raining here.

  • Have read all, but really not feeling like writing much. We are all quite low with J's problems, but he has been in contact with his doc - next available appointment 5th July! We have had to cancel the party on Saturday, so I did get brief conversations with both Daughters, and received the news that GD#2 delivered "her" first baby this week - one out of the forty she has to do before the end of her three year course! Grandson has asked if he and family can make a brief visit on Saturday so we get to see the weans, and Jonathan says he could cope with that, so that's at least some people to eat the cake we have on order from M&S!

    One story I must share - "The Eggstraordinary Tale of Mrs Woodpigeon"! She flew in and landed rather awkwardly on the fence. I could see something hanging under her, looking like a bunch of down in the shape of an egg. She came down to eat on the deck, and we had a clearer view of an egg, apparently attached to the down of her brood patch. She flew back to the fence where she stood a while, looking much like a male Penguin when it carries its egg on its feet. She began pulling out the downy feathers from around the egg, didn't completely succeed and flew off. Later we found the egg, dropped on the deck, broken and predated (possibly by the local crow who lurks on a neighbours roof awaiting opportunity! We think she must have cracked it while sitting, so that leaking albumen attached it to her brood patch during the night and stuck it to her! Never seen anything like it before!
  • OG I'm so sorry that you have had to cancel J's 40th birthday party. I recall that his anxieties prevented you from attending a wedding - was it last year? Of course, I don't know if his current problems are psychological or physical or a combination. I do remember though, the terrible distress suffered by clients whose problems were ' psychological coats hung on a physical peg'. Or the reverse.... And of course, our children are always our children, no matter what age they are. Sending best thoughts xxx
  • OG: I'm sorry to hear your news: what a shame the party is on standby now. Also, that you have had the worry of J's problems, which of course can't be helped. Keeping you All in my thoughts. Well Done to Granddaughter for delivering her "first"! - I suspect that that birth will be one of many more, but will be the one which remains in her memory the longest.

    Hope you can all enjoy the visitors on Saturday, and of course the cake.

    Amazing story of the Woodpigeon. I suppose she didn't have much choice but to carry it around if it was broken and then stuck to her! We've had the usual crop of broken tiny eggshells, and just a few tiny broken bodies on the lawn. I suppose the eggs get predated and then the shell is discarded by the magpies (we have a LOT of those).
  • Thought of Diane last night as we watched the last part of the brilliant series (as usual, BBC production) The Planets, with Brian Cox. Inspiring graphics and wonderful narration and explanation of our more recent explorations of our own tiny universe. Highly recommended if you get to see it in the USA, Diane!

    I've been to get my photos put onto disc and can now share some of them.

    A beautifully pale pink poppy which is new in my border this year:  there should be two, but I think one must have been eaten. The centre is a dark dark magenta and is very dramatic.

    Roses:  don't remember the name of this, and can't keep labels on plants as Bonnie eats them!

    No, my foxgloves don't grow sideways.....    But I've taken a few snaps of them this year as they seemed to like the rain we had, and have been magnificent.

  • Fantastic, LINDY! Thank you for sharing.
    It is very warm here today so my garden jobs are being done in fits and starts. What used to be a nice herbaceous border is now a bit of a mess, not with weeds but plants that really should be divided and some that have snuck in where they shouldn't be -but this is not the time, maybe?
  • I suppose, but I don't know, that some plants should be divided in late summer or autumn. I do sometimes transfer plants which are in the wrong place to somewhere else, whatever time of the year it is, which I think is OK as long as you give them plenty of water for a couple of weeks whilst they get settled in.

    By the way, I forgot to say that my OH's niece who is in her early 30's is shortly beginning her course in midwifery, which she very much wanted to do, having had four children of her own. She will be brilliant at it, I think.

    Just been to the garage with both cars so that the Volvo can be looked at, before we go a long way in it on Friday: its been vibrating a little, my OH says, so they are going to investigate. More expense!!  They will look at it tomorrow, so we took it down tonight ready for them. My OH is of course, going to somehow cram his golf clubs into poor Ruby who is only a tiny 2 door car, tomorrow.

  • OG- My thoughts and best wishes for a good outcome for J's troubles. Problems like that consume the entire family.
  • LINDYBIRD: That's a lovely poppy - unusual color. Our roses are having a difficult time with all the damp overcast. I want to move some salvia (I'm actually downsizing the garden a bit), but not sure where to... I forget - where are you off to this weekend?

    BJANE: Always good to see you; hope you're keeping well.

    OG: Poor wood pigeon! A small get together for J sounds good under the circumstances and maybe kiddies will give him a boost. Cake does freeze doesn't it? :-)

    Good news re Golden Eagles. Park Rangers have spotted a nest with chicks in a very remote (and very secret) location.of the Santa Monica Mountains, about 1+ hours south of us. This is the first official sighting of Golden Eagles in the area in three decades, so everyone's excited.

    The first debate among the Democratic cast of thousands vying for the 2020 presidential nomination is on this evening. There are so many candidates they're splitting them into two groups. The second debate is tomorrow night. I'm going to gird my loins and watch both.
  • Lindy: I will look out for The Planets series. Thanks! Those flowers are glorious.

    OG: Fascinating story about the woodpigeon! I'm so sorry about J's condition and the cancelled party. From experience, I can tell you that cake freezes well, if you put it in a sealed container. My supermarket offers very expensive cakes, which they must put on sale cheap if they don't sell. I buy them and freeze them in small portions.

    Annette: That's fabulous news about the Golden Eagles! Nice to have good wildlife news for a change! I watched the entire debate. I was not impressed with it -- useless political theater that didn't produce anything meaningful in my view. Better for voters to study the candidates' records and written policies. Voters need to look at who is funding each of them, because that's who they will likely serve. My candidate was not on tonight's stage (mine is tomorrow), but from an objective standpoint, I thought Julian Castro won and moved himself up strikingly. None of them are my choice, though.

    Hello to everyone. 

  • DIANE: I'm watching the debate (recorded it) but with the exception of two or three II thought most of them did okay. Of course, they all shine in comparison to Trump. Closing statements now.