The Problem of The Missing Ospreys

It seems to me that the lack of ospreys at Loch Garten is a serious one that may need a lot of thinking about. Not only is there an empty nest but an empty visitor centre. 

There may need to be serious strategic thinking in order to ensure that this problem is solved and stays solved. 

It would seem that the RSPB may need to put a camera on another nest and use that in the short term. 

In the longer term they may need more imaginative solutions.

Maybe this is the chance for the highly knowledgable community here to give their ideas. 

  • I don't want to criticise LG and their decision, taken after their consulting RD,  but as I have said on the DU, the decision baffles me.  

    There is nothing on the cam on the nest, nest cam, which moves.  Indeed we have already noted that the flat topped post below the cam has been topped by a jagged cap - my thought was to possibly disguise it for the BBC viewers.  The cam that moves is 'roving cam', the one we call tree cam, and Jess called 'tower camera'.

    "We have decided to keep the camera on the tower, but to minimise movement so as not to disturb any ospreys. When the work has been done we will start up the tower camera again, but you will not get night vision or be able to read Darvic rings".

    I would like to think they will zoom in should there be any action on the nest, and we may be able to read Darvic rings!

    If there are no ospreys, imaginative solutions won't help.  You can't put out a bird table to attract them - but wait a mo, hasn't Tiger suggested a fish pond!!  Excellent idea, and an income earning opportunity too which the RSPB is always in favour of! 

    There are clearly fewer osprey around the LG nest this year for some reason or another.  There were intruders aplenty in 2017 when Odin went missing.  And a pair tried to take the nest from EJ last year, but failed.  Are too many chicks being translocated to start new colonies in Europe and Poole?  Has there been a  monitor of local nests to see whether they are active?  

    I don't think the nest was titivated and spruced up as Richard T used to do - remember the thick mossy base that was created in 2013 when EJ was knee-deep in it,almost bouncing around!  And in 2014 as EJ waited for Odin to arrive.  

    Another year RT tried to remove a large stick which got truly embedded the previous season, and have tried to find a pic but can't.

    I imagine the income is well down for the Centre this year, which will be exercising them somewhat.  It was fairly quiet when I went at the beginning of the month, but perhaps it was just a quiet time.  One can access for the Forest, so folk will be out wandering and experiencing the joy of nature, but just not ospreys.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Ian S said:
    With Loch Insh & the River Spey, not to mention the fish farm (can't remember the name) all relatively close, I would be surprised if lack of available food was a major factor. Ian

    There are two local fish farms:  Rothiemurchus and the one at Aviemore, behind an hotel, with all the noise and bustle of a town.  Both also charge photographers to take the amazing photos which we are lucky to see on FB and Twitter.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Thank you for thoughtfully starting the thread, TIGER - not that I have the expertise to contribute - and thanks to all for their thoughts.  I'm currently so lost and mystified that I can't even take stock of the situation or plan how to proceed from here... :-/

  • I think our deliberations should be concious that the Abernethy Forest is a very precious Caledonian Pine Forest habitat and as such contains a number of very important (& in some cases endangered) species, not least of which is the Capercaillie. We therefore cannot just think of osprey. Ian
  • Any Osprey nest can’t guarantee that Ospreys will return. I posted my fears quite a few month’s ago this year my fears about the Loch Garten Osprey nest in 2019 as I had noticed lack of any Ospreys trying to take over the nest and only very few brief appearances of any Ospreys at the Loch Garten nest in 2019. I fear it could be many years before any Ospreys take over the nest at Loch Garten, as it is now no different to any other non occupied former Osprey nest site. Loch Garten might attract another pair of Ospreys in future years.. But it mightn’t be the same nest and it could be another part of the Loch Garten reserve. I’m sorry if I’m been pessimistic, but that is just my opinion.



  • SHEILA got nostalgic:

    Another year RT tried to remove a large stick which got truly embedded the previous season..

    2013 - chosen partly for Odin's whopper on the way in ;)

    And no-one will blame me for adding this one, even tho it's strictly surplus to requirements ;-*

    (Found on the white-screen laptop.)

  • Lovely photos Scylla. Awww!
    The stick I was thinking of cut the nest into 1/3 and 2/3, on the left had side. It became a handy perch, and a useful pillow!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Funnily enough, SHEILA, I was looking for a stick on the left when I started out, but when I found the above I thought I must have misremembered. But I do remember the above one being firmly rooted.
  • This is all seems very bizarre on all fronts. Has there been many sightings at Aviemore I wonder. I am assuming the nest featured in Spring Watch, is the 'other' nest that has been mentioned in the forest.