Weekly Chat, Sunday July 25, 2010

Hi all:  First off, con't miss the last page of last week's chat for lovely photo of Alan's hibiscus and OG's very informative shots of the nest at LG, showing the perch under the nest where chick #1 likes to sit.

OG. Assume plumber on the list for next week.  So Boat of Garten actually has something to do with a real boat!  I thought it was some obscure Scottish vernacular-ish term that had nothing to do with a boat.  There was a nature program here last week about "preparing" an environment for some species that are living in an area that is expected to be threatened by higher ocean levels in the coming years. As with the Lapwings, the change has to be made gradually.

Cirrus.  A 12-mile hike! I probably burned a couple of hundred calories just thinking about it. 

Was in the garden all day - as I type have the soaker hose going on the camellias, which I fed and which need deep watering about twice in the summer; they're putting out buds now.  Also fed the roses and plumeria. Found a volunteer duranta repens growing in one of the plumeria pots - I thought it was familiar but only recognized it today.    Sun came out around 11 and lovely cool evening now.


  • Margo, Have another lie down. I am sorry, but I have just laughed at your washing story. It must be the way "you tell 'em !"

  • margobird:   There's gratitude for you!  I say that too,  when they sit & poop on my new garden chairs.

    Glad everyone else has enjoyed the verses, I have fun doing them & it's a bonus when they are enjoyed.

  • That's OK Brenda H it is usually my clothes that get targeted but this time it was OH's.  I won't mention it to him until I find out I can get rid of the stains when I put it through another wash.  Got more whites to do tomorrow so don't  hold your breath.


    Good afternoon Heather B I still can't get over the poem  myself.  I only wish I could reciprocate.


  • Brenda H hear is something else to give you a laugh and I must admit I am laughing myself.  Went to refill the birds baths and as I was doing it the hose flew apart.  I am absolutely soaked right through.  Got to go and change every bit of clothing now so more washing (for the birds to target).  Got to go now and prepare dinner an wondering what is going to happen next.


  • You are definitely having ' one of those days,' Margo and I am laughing. Although I have to admit, I have done that to myself on a few occasions. They did say we were going to have rain by now, but it hasn't arrived here yet either.

  • Oh dear, margo,  whatever next!   Soaked right through to your liberty bodice!  Do get changed before you catch your death.

    Thanks to georgeg for the lovely pic of Loch Garten (can't have too many of those, either).  Sorry to hear about your family troubles, it's an awful strain when these things happen.  I know what you mean about gardens:  it can put you right off when you are forced to do something.

    Hope Joan  has had a good day with the kitchen out of bounds - good excuse as someone said, to treat yourselves to a takeaway! Fingers crossed that if they make good progress, you might even get rid of the Men early.

    Thought about patriciat going to the Docs earlier - hope they can help you with that hip - that's not a word I ever heard before. (I presume you are already taking Glucosamine and such for your joints; I find it helps).

    AQ:   Love the sayings as always, esp. the one about the boss giving you more if you can cope with something grim!

    Annette:    Having a bit of 'me' time with daughter, I hope, and also hope that poor Lightning is not too put out by missing your OH.

    Read my emails last night for the 1st time in about 4 days (58 of them!) - and nice news from an old Friend, who is also to be a Grandma in about December. 1st time for her, as well, so we can all be excited together!

    Must go tend the stove as early meal tonight while OH goes out.

  • Linda -  How many of us know what a liberty bodice is?!!  I will put my hand up now and admit to wearing one as a child :-)))))

  • Oh No!  Heather -  don't ever admit to that!  Pretend you just heard about them from someone else!

  • Gosh ... liberty bodices???? (I seem to remember rubber buttons???)    :-))))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Diane - Your very empathic comment about 'hope they can all come home soon' brought tears to my eyes. I don't pretend to understand the politics of it all, if that is the correct expression. All I know is that various armies from various countries have failed in Afghanistan over many many years. Our sons,fathers, husbands and brothers joined the military knowing that they may be called upon to fight and maybe die for their country. All I hope with all my heart is that it is a war fought for a just cause and I say that without cynicism.