Weekly Chat, Sunday July 25, 2010

Hi all:  First off, con't miss the last page of last week's chat for lovely photo of Alan's hibiscus and OG's very informative shots of the nest at LG, showing the perch under the nest where chick #1 likes to sit.

OG. Assume plumber on the list for next week.  So Boat of Garten actually has something to do with a real boat!  I thought it was some obscure Scottish vernacular-ish term that had nothing to do with a boat.  There was a nature program here last week about "preparing" an environment for some species that are living in an area that is expected to be threatened by higher ocean levels in the coming years. As with the Lapwings, the change has to be made gradually.

Cirrus.  A 12-mile hike! I probably burned a couple of hundred calories just thinking about it. 

Was in the garden all day - as I type have the soaker hose going on the camellias, which I fed and which need deep watering about twice in the summer; they're putting out buds now.  Also fed the roses and plumeria. Found a volunteer duranta repens growing in one of the plumeria pots - I thought it was familiar but only recognized it today.    Sun came out around 11 and lovely cool evening now.


  • Tuesday – just dreich, not the heavy rain we expected.  Slept late this morning.

    Lynette – good to “see” you on this thread.  OH and I really enjoyed Holiday Bible Club for a number of years; he did one year after I stopped, but then I needed more help from him so he stopped too.  It still happens, and now has a monthly evening spin-off called Fridays in Faith, which we sometimes go to – great stuff.  So pleased you are enjoying it.   I also don’t drive, so am lucky that OH shares my interest in birds (and all wildlife).  Don’t worry about rambling on this thread – we all do it – and we sometimes forget what we are talking about – the “Lost the Plot Club”.

    AQ – sorry your cold spell is lasting – we are still warm (not hot) despite cloud – or maybe because of cloud cover, or does that only apply in winter?  Sorry, wittering on again!  Lovely sayings again, thanks for sharing your collection of words of wisdom.

    Annette – enjoy your day.

    Patriciat – lovely expression “hirpling” – but must be painful – hope the doc can be helpful.  We both enjoy our garden, but vegetables take priority over flowers.  Intended to have a low maintenance garden when we moved to the bungalow, but can’t resist growing things!  Will have to be all shrubs when OH can’t manage it all – I only do propagating and sowing in the greenhouse, a bit of hoeing – and lots of supervision!

    Lindybird – liked that show garden’s effect but agree about the white plastic!  Pleased you are both feeling better.

    Diane – lovely Kitty picture!  Just read on – sad that she is a little orphan, but I am sure she will easily be re-homed.  She’s a lot like our “Daisy” from way back when.

    DjoanS – so pleased you have such good and tidy workmen – makes all the difference to any job - and if they finish a day early, that’s brilliant!

    I think Dibnlib and her OH are due back soon – I hope they have had some decent walking and sightseeing weather up there!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Alan - not ignoring you - you snuck on when I was copying from WORD.  Despite all the rain, we still have a brown patch of grass at the front, just above a little slope, where it must run off before it gets a chance to soak in.  So pleased the Thunderdog is back to normal!  Enjoy RW whenever you get there.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh, Lindy, forgot to say that my Dad also thoroughly enjoyed the poem. He says that when you write a book, he will buy it. :-) You sure made my dismal week brighter. Just  brilliant! Thanks again!!! I'm also really enjoying the flower photos. Loved the big alliums! Glad you're feeling better.

    DjoanS: I'm so glad that the kitchen work is going smoothly.
    Alan: So glad that little blue Hamish is feeling better.
    Annette: Hope you're enjoying daughter visit. Good that Lightning is following you about talking over her feelings. LOL Hope Oro enjoys the spa. :-)
    AQ: Loved the new rule installment. I, too, like the last one. I always set goals too high, expect perfection, and then fail! Enjoy your coffee with friends.
    Lynette: Glad to see you! Always enjoy your Daily Update posts!
    Paul/Heron77: Welcome back and I'm so glad that you got to see the ospreys in person...er...bird!
    Wattle: Welcome back. I envy you getting to take the train trip. I so love trains and I'd love to take a long train trip one of these days. Congrats on seeing the Aussie Osprey. Wonderful!
    OG: Lemon drizzle cupcake. Awesome! Your "cool corner" is just beautiful. I love the little pointy white flowers in that corner -- sorry for my identification ignorance. They are so fresh looking. Are they difficult to grow? I agree that diets are AWFUL!
    Heather: Good to "see" you and I'm so glad that SiL will get some time at home. Hope they can all come home soon.
    Margobird: Get some good rest. You've been really busy lately, what with all that dancing!
    BrendaH: I'll try to direct one of our rain storms over to you all!
    Patriciat: Hope your hip is on the mend.

    Everyone have a nice Tuesday.

  • Good morning DjoanS so pleased that you have found clean, tidy and polite workman.  Makes the upheaval a bit eastier for you.


  • Unknown said:

    By the way, anyone reading this thread in the U.S. midwest? The little kitty in the post above is named Maggie, and she's looking for a forever home. You can adopt her at the Indianapolis Animal Care and Control. (My best friend takes the photos for the shelter.)



    Hello Diane and what a cute kitty.  I would love to adopt her she could be my namesake.  Quite sure she will be snapped up by somebody.


  • Good morning paticiat sorry you have a bad hip and hope the doctor can help you.  As you say the joys of getting older, everything starts to wear out.  Young in mind but the body lets us down.


  • aquilareen said:

    From my collection (most are by that famous Anon). I'm very fond of the last ;-)


    I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn't know. (Mark Twain)

    Accomplishing the impossible only means the boss will add it to your regular duties.


    The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.

    Aim low. Reach your goals. Avoid disappointment.





    Thanks  aquilareen for the above just love all the sayings you post for us.


  • Hi margobird:   Sorry to hear you had a bad night.  Here is the promised verse, to cheer you up a bit:

        ooo     O U R    M A R G O B I R D    ooo

    Our Margobird is a music fan:
    She goes to the Shows whenever she can.
    Whether it's Tommy Steele, or 'Strictly Dancing' :
    In the aisles, our Margo's prancing! -
    Often she'll find she's stretched her elastic
    Busily doing the 'Light Fantastic!'

    Next day, she knows her toes may hurt
    But Margo relishes her swirling skirts,
    Singing loud to join in the songs
    Enjoying the music all night long.

    She's told us of her Army days,
    And her love of the animals all -
    She tells us of the garden birds
    And the friends upon whom she can call.
    The donkeys wait upon the land for
    Their holiday treats from her fair hand.

    Whether she's telling us of her faults,
    Or of her blogging glitches
    She has us all laughing, every day,
    And bent over, all in stitches.
    Her OH is a man who's kind:  In him she has 'A Find' -
    She tells him of the ospreys' antics
    And when she gets quite worried/frantic!

    I could say more, but that's all for now,
    Stand up, dear Margo, and take a bow!
    The most popular member of our blogging team -
    We all love Margo, The Dancing Queen!



  • Good afternoon everyone just a short note to thank everyone for their poems, sayings and wonderful garden and flower pictures. I don't really like gardening but love to see a nice gardens. I think this dislike of gardening dates back to my father as he was a very keen gardener and grew quite a few different flowers for showing and he always had to get me involved and I think this is me rebelling even though it was ? years ago. Photo of Loch Garten from the car park, it was rather windy.

    Bil is still in hospital and they are having a case conference tomorrow and then we might get to know what is happening.

    Hope eveyone with aches and pains gets better soon but there are non of us getting any younger worse luck. 

    george g

  • Oh Lindybirtd what can I say I love it but needless to say you have reduced me to tears.  You are so clever and I really appreciate the nice things you have said.  Take a bow yourself and i will go and dry my eyes.  Lots of hugs and kisses to you.
