Link to previous thread: Manton Bay – May 2019
The season so far: Maya arrived back 14 March and Blue 33(11) on 23 March. Maya laid 4 eggs 2, 5, 8 and 11 April hatching 11, 11, 13 and 17 May. Maya and 33 continue to work hard to raise their young and 33 is once more proving to be an excellent provider bringing in plenty of fish to feed his family.
Link to Webcam\Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
Maya lands looking alert
She then starts screeching and mantling
She then gives chase and we can just see the intruder in the WA cam
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
Hilary J
Couple of chicks have been doing some vigorous wing flapping and little hops too. The chicks are now 46, 44 and 40 days old. I think the average age for fledging is 55 days so +/- 2 days we could very well see the first take the plunge around next Wednesday for 054 and 055 will then be 53 days, 056 will be 51 days and 057 will be 47 days old.
FISH @ 14:43
lovely big fish for lunch
Maya gets hold of it and lines herself up to feed the chicks
33 flies off and Maya starts feeding
Just looked in to see a large fish on the nest.
A couple of the chicks looked interested while the other two wing flapped but Maya made no attempt to pick it up but just stood in front of it and the chicks settled down.
Maya then walked around the nest tidying up so perhaps the chicks had been fed and this fish was left over from the feed??
33 then arrived for the fish but Maya placed her talon on it and ate with 33 at her side waiting for it.
33 eventually got the fish and flew off with it
Intruder around!
Maya is screeching and mantling
Maya has now flown. Second time today I've seen Maya mantling and then taking off.
I wonder where 33 is for not so long ago he looked in to pick up the fish!
33 has returned with the fish and Maya now feeds the chicks