Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 May 2019

HAPPY NEW WEEK! I hope everyone has a wonderful week! I’m taking a short break from work to say hello to you all and tell you about my new friend.

Every summer, I seem to have one animal who chooses to stay close to my house and keep me company. Last year, it was the little yearling white-tailed deer. This year, it’s an enormous groundhog! He’s made a burrow underneath the fallen apple tree next to my bedroom window, and he’s been spending his days puttering around my front porch, eating the weeds that I’ve allowed to grow.

He’s a formidable critter. A couple of decades ago, we had a huge groundhog on this land. My Mom named him “Bear,” because he was nearly as large as a bear cub. The current resident groundhog must be Bear’s descendent, because he’s a big fella! He has immense teeth (I think he’s fairly old) and long, thick claws. Despite his scary appearance, he’s been friendly to me. Groundhogs generally avoid people and can be hostile to humans if they feel crowded or cornered, but Bear II makes no effort to leave when I go outdoors. When I talk to him, he tilts his head like a dog and stares at me with interest. LOL He makes me laugh, waddling around the yard.

I didn’t try to photograph him, because I read that mobile phones and other devices emit electromagnetic fields that some animals, including groundhogs, can hear (or feel?). He looks like the one in this photo, though.

Groundhog, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
NPS photo labeled “Public domain” (copyright free)

  • Hello all - sorry I didn't come on here before leaving for Shropshire and the Christening. I was in the doldrums yesterday, for some reason and hadn't done any packing or indeed anything much! So, had to pack, run to Tesco for a couple of things, vacuum downstairs, put rubbish out and so on.

    The journey here took longer than expected. Son in law got away from work early but we hit heavy traffic around Stirling. Dead slow for many miles. Of course, it was Friday afternoon, too. We arrived here just after midnight - staying in a Marstons hotel just outside Telford. The night porter was new to the job and it took a while before we were checked in. Anyway, here I am, sitting in bed and enjoying the free WiFi.

    Breakfast at 8am and then to son's house. The christening is on Sunday morning and we shall have to leave for home by 2pm at the latest. Fingers crossed for a better journey going North! When travelling here alone I fly to Birmingham. One and a half hours. Today's eleven hours seemed endless!
  • Hello all - sorry I didn't come on here before leaving for Shropshire and the Christening. I was in the doldrums yesterday, for some reason and hadn't done any packing or indeed anything much! So, had to pack, run to Tesco for a couple of things, vacuum downstairs, put rubbish out and so on.

    The journey here took longer than expected. Son in law got away from work early but we hit heavy traffic around Stirling. Dead slow for many miles. Of course, it was Friday afternoon, too. We arrived here just after midnight - staying in a Marstons hotel just outside Telford. The night porter was new to the job and it took a while before we were checked in. Anyway, here I am, sitting in bed and enjoying the free WiFi.

    Breakfast at 8am and then to son's house. The christening is on Sunday morning and we shall have to leave for home by 2pm at the latest. Fingers crossed for a better journey going North! When travelling here alone I fly to Birmingham. One and a half hours. Today's eleven hours seemed endless!
  • Hello all - sorry I didn't come on here before leaving for Shropshire and the Christening. I was in the doldrums yesterday, for some reason and hadn't done any packing or indeed anything much! So,this morning I had to pack, run to Tesco for a couple of things, vacuum downstairs, put rubbish out and so on.

    The journey here took longer than expected. Son in law got away from work early which was unexpected but we hit heavy traffic around Stirling. Dead slow for many miles. Of course, it was Friday afternoon, too. We arrived here just after midnight - staying in a Marstons hotel just outside Telford. The night porter was new to the job and it took a while before we were checked in. Anyway, here I am, sitting in bed and enjoying the free WiFi.

    Breakfast tomorrow at 8am and then to son's house. The christening is on Sunday morning and we shall have to leave for home by 2pm at the latest. Fingers crossed for a better journey going North! When travelling here alone I fly to Birmingham. One and a half hours. Today's eleven hours seemed endless!

  • Heather: Good to see you - especially in triplicate!  But oh my, that's a very long drive.  Hope the ride home is smooth and fast.  Meanwhile, enjoy yourself.

    Lindybird:  Not just the Mexicans!   No luck at the flooring place that we've used before. Styles have changed, blah, blah, blah...,  yes, I'm aware of that but my OH doesn't get it.  Argh...

  • Annette: Here's an idea.

    (1) Take a photo of the flooring you want to match. 

    (2) Upload the photo to a Reverse Image Search, such as TinEye. (It's a safe site, according to my McAfee Security Software.) Just click the little Up Arrow and click your photo file.

    (3) The site will check flooring websites all over the country to find your flooring. Then you can probably order the pieces you need. 

    Hope that helps. 

    Heather: Have a wonderful time.

  • Diane: Amazing - and certainly worth a try!   You're brilliant at finding this kind of stuff.  :-)

  • I don't know why my post appeared three times! Probably got impatient and kept pressing the post button!
  • Safe journey home HEATHER.

    I have just popped 2 large & 2 small chicken pies in oven. To replace the “lazy” meals that keep disappearing from freezer. Today was the Twins birthday party with a few friends at a "pamper party". I understand they get their nails painted, makeup faces, etc. Actual B Day is Tues. I wonder how I have survived the last 5+ years. . . and then my back & assorted joints remind me, I am not as young as I used to be.

  • Site is playing up again.... been trying to post for 2 hours....
  • Annette: I don't know whether that will work. But if you don't know the exact name/brand/product number of the flooring, the image search might at least produce the info you need to further search flooring sites.