Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 May 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Bumping up!
    It continued dull, windy and not particularly warm here today.
  • I like Almond Butter with raspberry jam or honey.  It also comes "crunch" but I haven't tried that yet.

    Lindybird:  Good that G's husband is managing to keep busy.  How are you doing?  You were very close to G and I know she was your shopping/movie buddy before she got sick.

    OG: You will be even more invigorated watching OH zoom back and forth!   Went for walk this morning; now stuck into desk stuff.  :-)

    Heather: Weather aside, all that walking must be good for daughter.

    Diane:  According to the Weather Channel website, those severe storms look like they should pass just south of you..  It's been terrible for the folks caught in that seemingly endless parade of tornadoes in Oklahoma, etc....

    Gray and dull here; good gardening weather

  • Its been beautifully sunny here, we went to vote only around the corner, then drove on to the Allotment which I havn't seen for a few weeks. My OHs efforts are visible in lots of neat rows of potatoes, bean plants, peas, beetroot, and tomatoes in the greenhouse. Looking forward to eating new potatoes soon!

    Annette, I am just beginning to get used to not being able to pick up the phone and talk to my Friend. We had a great relationship in that we left each other alone for days at a time, to "do our own thing" and then came together again either in reality or on the phone, and shared our worries and woes plus our good times. But we were not put out if we were not included in everything the other did: we just wanted to hear about it, afterwards! I suppose I still feel as if she is just off on holiday somewhere, and it will take some time to sink in that we will not see her again, nor share any of the lovely meals she used to love to prepare. My OH says that he will come to the cinema with me occasionally, if I want, but I can easily go on my own as we have a local one which is very friendly.
  • Hi all, just been reading all your news. Never liked peanut butter but love marmite in a sandwich or a jam sandwich(blackcurrant favourite) Often have one or the other for lunch and a piece of fruit.

    Weather down here has been great, sunshine all the way, means washing can go out and be dried by teatime. They say we're in for a change for the BH weekend.

    AQ - no wonder you were tired. Bless you, you managed to save the tuna mornay.

    Lindy - hope the paint looks good in all different lights, I'm sure it will.
  • LYNETTE – You posted while I was prepping my blether. Hello!

    LINDA – I didn’t realise that G was your movie pal. Don’t give up going just because you are alone.

    I cannot imagine mixing peanut butter & vegemite or jam together. The Little People have theirs on separate biscuits. Wikipedia says peanut butter “was known in Western Australia and South Australia for many years as peanut paste because, by definition, butter is a dairy product. The same product was available in other states as peanut butter. Manufacturers complained about having to produce different labels for different states.” Another amazing fact, I have learnt via this thread!

    OH & I both happened to be awake about 2 am when a sudden humongous wind gust struck the house, less than 10 seconds, but quite scary. I can’t imagine how one would feel in a cyclone or tornado. Friday is rubbish collection day and many people put their bins out the night before. Yes, they were all overturned. Front lawns (there are few front fences) were covered in rubbish of many kinds. OH said he & Next-Door were the only ones out clearing up the mess. Our bins are not collected until mid-pm and we never put them out early in case of vandals.

    I am feeling a little strange this morn. Flickr is off line for maintenance and after breakfast I always start my day by posting pics. What? Find the vacuum cleaner instead?

  • Postscript -- the paint colour is really strange -- at best it looks like a slight green tinge and at worst it looks like mould!! Thank goodness there are not whole walls full of it, and it's just a small amount. Dare not suggest doing it again, as although my OH was laughing when he said it had to stay, whatever it looked like, I really think he meant it LOL!!

  • AQ   Peanut butter and jelly (jam) is the all-American kids' food - well - ahem - not just kids.  Entire generations of Americans have been raised on P&J sandwiches! It's on every kids' menu in restaurants.  I remember when my BiL came to the US for the first time and couldn't get over menus offering breakfasts of pancakes with syrup and whipped butter on the same plate as eggs and bacon.  Wonder where that blast of air came form - maybe it was Donald T. was venting again......nobody is safe!

    Lindybird:   I was painting some bits and pieces here some years back and was so tired at one point that I painted right over a couple of dead spiders (tiny ones) stuck in the corners before I realized what I'd done. They're still there, not quite fossilized, but.....  Then I was touching up some places another time and got my "flat" and "satin" finishes mixed up....  They stayed that way too.  

    Going to BBQ chicken and veggies tonight - sun just came out (at 4:15 pm) after marine layer finally got blown away. The Goldfinches are showing up, but only tiny baby hummingbirds (where are the adults!!) and none of the migratory kind yet.  I'm wondering if they knew that this was going to be an unusually wet and cool spring and are waiting for temps to warm up.  All a bit odd.  There's a citizen scientists website I should check out to see if anyone's noted anything unusual, but could also post a general question on our neighborhood website.

  • Good Morning. Can't help feeling queasy at the thought of sugary pancakes on the same plate as eggs & bacon! Don't think you're the only one who has preserved insects that way, Annette, and we often have dog hairs hidden in our paint, too!

    Sunny start here again, so more tootling in the garden is on the cards, after a visit to sis in law. I have a bag full of shoes to offer her, as she is my size and also one of her d. in laws is, too. Yesterday I pulled out all of the cupboard with the "dressed up" shoes in it and found some with vertiginous heels which have been bought for weddings etc in the past, but I can't see me ever wearing them again. I go more for comfort these days!

    Hope the hummingbirds show up when the weather settles down. They look such delicate creatures it can't take much to upset their life cycle, I'm sure :-(

  • LINDY so glad your friends husband has his dog for company.

    HEATHER what a shame your friend had to give her dog up but glad she still sees him.