Hi everyone, its been a day of contrasts.
Lots of comings and goings , fish deliveries, snatching one from the other etc, and quiet times on the nest as is now. We are obviously going to have ENS more often than not now that all three are exploring the area and finding new places to roost.
I believe 6 fish were brought in yesterday and all had a share of the feasts.
EJ and Odin doing magnificent work in bringing in the fish. The youngsters between them , demolishing them.
Don't know what the viewing will be like overnight but good luck, night shift, hope you get some movement on the nest.
Take care all, happy viewing!! and see you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Oh, the 'Beak cleaner' was Eldest
EDIT and Youngest is 'talking' to his fish
What a todo going on. I think it was Titch trying to get some from Middle, Eldest is still eating one at the back of the nest. Not really sure who is who but the one eating on the left side of the nest had part of his fish taken by the one at the front of the nest - I think that could be Middle and it is Titch eating to te left. All very confusing. Anyhow one chick hasn't had much at all
Great captures Lynette - better than mine - a lovely sequence.
And I'm off too - bath and bed call urgently. Goodnight Lynette. Good night all. Tomorrow is another day. :)
Not sure what is happening. EJ flew in and went for the fish left over and started to eat from it and now she is feeding Noisy one who abandoned his fish to be fed by mama.
The one being fed by EJ, mantled over his fish when she flew in. Now the lazyitus is taking food from EJ and shouting all the time.. One fish behind him. Where have the other two gone. They've not come back to try and claim it.
Meant to add, thanks for all the updates and pics.
Just logged back in and EJ is feeding middle. :)
She must have watched from her tree and saw middle gets left out all the time. Now all have had a good feed!! And there is plenty for EJ too.
She is such a good Mum to make sure all eat. They need to learn to feed themselves but she won't let anyone starve until they learn
Middle is a slow learner
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
EJ left on her own to finish fish and have a meal herself. All three youngsters have flown to roost. Soon it will be an empty nest again.