Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 May 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Good to "see" you, Dibnlib. Our weather likewise. Enjoy your walk!
  • Good Morning. Enjoy your walk, Dibnlib.

    It's sunny here, too, but still quite low temps. Hoping to get to Criccieth today, which has a good beach for walking along.

    OG -- LOL! - - we do have one or two famous faces around the town. It's not unusual for me to park my little Fiesta next to a low slung high powered sports car or a Bentley in the local supermarket! Girl next door never leaves the house without full makeup on, even when jogging to the gym!!

  • DIBNLIB - I'm sure that you will enjoy your walk! This cold weather will end soon, according to the forecasts.
    LINDY - Good that your OH is a little better.
    Everyone - I love to read your posts and thank you ... I don't have a lot to say here, as I lead a very quiet life. Often, I am posting things about family, which I'm sure is not of any interest to you all. So I'm going to take a break for the time being.
  • Heather-NO!!!! I, for one (and I know I am not alone), would miss your posts very much! I love hearing about the daily lives of everyone on here. Better than any "Reality" TV!
  • Sorry - I should have said ' be a lurker' for a while !!
  • Heather:  If you stop talking about your family, that means I have to stop talking about mine!  That doesn't leave much else - oh, but wait - I'm in the middle of laundry (will not mention that it's family-related laundry!) and it's about to rain.  

  • Heather -- I'm the same! We all write about our families. You don't have to feel you have to write reams every day, just keep us up to date on your doings.

    We went to Criccieth as planned, and after leaving the clouds behind we found it to be sunny enough to enjoy not only our walk, but stop for a real old fashioned ice cream cone on the front, watching the waves and the antics of a group of schoolchildren with their teachers, collecting stones to study. As we drove 'home' for our lunch, the heavens opened! -- We drove over the hills and it even began to hail! But when we got back to our bit of the coast, there was sunshine, although the ground was damp so it must have rained.

    This afternoon we sat out on our decking, and I listened to the birdsong whilst my OH read his latest book. We've just got back from having a nice plate of chish & fips, very good.

  • As you can read from the above, we've had a very pleasant day: on our travels, we noticed the usual things but in the sunshine they look so much better. The gorse is still out, the bluebells were so vivid in the bottoms of the hedgerows, that I nearly said "Stop the car!" And there were still some almost new lambs in the fields, close to their mothers and often in in pairs. As we drove back over the hills, we were as I said, in the rain and hail, but in the distance I could see the bright yellow ribbon of sand on the coast where the sun was still shining. The sea was a vibrant blue I've not seen for many months.

    When we got back I put my hand in my pocket and there were some tiny shells I had picked up. One a whorl of white with a pale pink streak, one a steel grey wonder of nature's engineering. Plus a small wedge shaped stone worn smooth, grey with a ripple of pure white. Souvenirs of a good day.

  • Awoke to bright sun, which is forecast to last for several days. Hopefully it will help my OH to relax, as I'm wondering if some of his symptoms are just stress ones.

    Annette, I hope you're enjoying time with your sister. I was sorry to hear that the whale count was so low this year.

    OG - The wet room work sounds as if it's gone well, and has been very speedy. At least it means less disruption for you. Enjoy your time in the garden. Perhaps you'll have some of this sunshine too.

    Heather - I hope you're OK. Even if you're only reading rather than writing.