Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 May 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Strange, LINDY, for solicitor to visit home to draw up their Wills, I thought they only did that for elderly or incapacitated clients!
    I hope that the weather is OK for your weekend away. It is horrible here, cold and wet.
  • I'm still squirming with embarrassment. After they left, I realised that the spare bedroom door was wide open and they could see more muddle, boxes and shoes(!) as they passed by. Of course, our pristine bathroom with its cream tiles and carefully arranged plants and mirrors had its door shut....

    They are a wealthy young couple, Heather - I expect most things come to them rather than the other way around. He is a footballer but I won't name him to protect their privacy.

    I'm not worried about the weather, as online it says it's going to rain before we arrive tomorrow, but be dry for about a week after that! We will leave after my OH s golf and also my haircut. By the time I've picked up fresh milk & bread, and packed the food, and we've had a sandwich, we'll be lucky to leave before 2.30. But never mind, whatever time we get there, we get there.

    Now I have to stop and read back to reply to your posts...
  • OG - At least peace reigns once more, now he's got to the quieter part of the work. I find it nigh impossible to make birthday cards for men, unless they've a particular hobby you can refer to.

    Heather - Things always seem worse in the night. If I can, I tell myself to "worry about it tomorrow" but I know it's easier said than done! <HUGS>

    I'm missing my Friend G dreadfully, five times a day I think I'll need to tell her something then have to pull myself up with a jolt. She would not have wanted me to mourn too much, so I'm trying to be cheerful and positive, but now and then I just want to shriek!
  • Thanks, LINDY x
    I think it was WENDY who said here that there is no timetable for grieving. It will take its course and often strikes at the oddest moments. I sometimes find myself so frustrated when gardening and have been known to speak out loud to OH asking him what he did with this plant or shrub!
  • I still find myself apologising out loud to my mother -- as she planted so much of our garden I feel like the guardian of it, but sadly some of her plants have now reached the ends of their lives. I do my best to take care of them but I am nothing like as knowledgeable.

    Yesterday, some of my own plants opened up their blooms. The first, gorgeous red poppy and the first few drumsticks of Agapanthus. They are now rather wet as it's rained all day.
  • Lindy - I've missed so much while I've been away, including the news about your friend G. So sorry to hear. I hope things were calm and peaceful for her at the end. You were such a support to her during her illness, and there must be a big hole in your life at the moment. Grieving takes as long as it takes ... just go with it. I still miss being able to pick up the telephone and talk to my mother, after twenty-eight years ...

    I have dealt with loads more e-mails, but there are still more than three thousand left. They keep coming in at the top as quickly - or even more quickly - than I am dealing with them at the bottom.
  • Another cold damp miserable day.. 4 on the car thingy at 10.30. Elgin is such a miserable depressing place in the wet but with daughter arriving so needed M and S.
    Just booked a long weekend in August down in the Fife area. Dog friendly and taking our 2 to a meet of like minded Bullie staff in Edinburgh.
    As for grieving it’s a strange thing.. my youngest and I did ours year 2 and eldest I don’t think has ever addressed it. My dear friend passed over 2 years ago and I miss her friendly face every day. She like G had had different cancers on and off for 10 years. Her OH has just moved back to Leeds no family as such but it’s his roots . Daisy still sits at their back gate waiting for her to bring a carrot.... that cuts me up :-(

  • Thank you, Pat and Wendy. Pat, my friend slipped away in her sleep, in a Hospice, in the middle of March.
  • Archie Harrison? Now that is different.
  • OG & HEATHER – Yes we have similar building regulations here. Bloke across road did tell us of his new carport extension. Next doors maybe don’t have to as their extension/s don’t actually affect us. We were informed of asbestos removal. Although they are building on front, it will be level with the bedroom that juts out (L-shaped floor plan). This also means workers’ noise tends to be sheltered from us.

     I arrived early for nanny duty to find 2 clothes horses with dry clothes ready to fold & put away, a dishwasher waiting to be emptied and a small pile of unwashed kitchen stuff, But first I was presented with my belated b-day gifts; 2 books from Dau and homemade cards from twins. MissL had written her name and I <loveheart> Gran. MissJ wrote her name and 75 Gran. (Just in case I forget my age!) Dau was feeling slightly better and asked could she go shopping with Miss7 after school to get gum boots. OK, sez I. Chores done, reading done, game of “3 little pigs” done. Where is Dau? At last she & Miss7 are home. First she was delayed by roadworks, then no one had Miss7’s size. Eventually I escaped an hour later than expected. A good thing I had designated soup for tea as I was not much earlier than usual. Grrr. I hate rush hour traffic.