Osprey Chat - May/June 2019

Thread for general osprey chat. 

  • The last date for  osprey eggs to be laid in Scotland is traditionally 22 May.

    However we do know that eggs have been laid later than that such as at Threave in 2012

    It takes about 150 to make an osprey ready to migrate. If you add 150 days to today you get  10 October and that is getting late for migration. 

  • I opened the free Waitrose (other supermarkets are available!) newpaper today and came face-to-face with a photo of an osprey and an article about LG osprey!  The photo was of a bird atop a dead tree, and is also the photo on page 116 of Tim's new book,RSPB Spotlight Ospreys" .  Sadly neither publication says where this photo was taken, and as it is unringed we can only guess who s/he is!  I find it extremely sad that, according to the article, LG is "celebrating the fact that the public have been able to view the birds here for 60 years" and there is none to be seen.  Jess is quoted throughout the article.

    And blow me if I didn't hear the call of an osprey this morning - on BBC Radio 4 'Today', followed by a short interview with Jackie Murray from Rutland, talking about the Flyways project.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I have seen elsewhere SHEILA about LG celebrating 60 years and this makes it all the more poignant that there are no ospreys occupying the nestand, in particular, that the resident queen is not there to be feted even more
  • Hi, folks. Please forgive me for posting about a U.S. nest, but I honestly think that some of you might enjoy this story. 

    This morning in Montana, an adult black bear climbed the 25-foot pole to an osprey nest! The osprey pair were distressed -- understandably! -- but the bear wasn't able to reach the eggs and eventually climbed back down the pole after checking out the nest! 

    Here's a PHOTO

    Here's a very good two-minute VIDEO

  • Woaaaw! Great video and amazing story! The UK ospreys just have corvids and pine martins to contend with, although sadly they are often successful. Thanks for sharing Diane.
  • My goodness, not something you see. Thankfully it could not get to the eggs, poor parents little wonder they were distressed. At least, as Korky says, ours just have other Osprey, Owls and Pine Martins to contend with.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • OMG! Who would have thought it? Amazing video
  • I'm glad you enjoyed it, Korky, Catlady, patily, and all.

  • Apologies for any cross posting, but I thought some may be interested in this seminar with Alan Poole which was recorded on the 20th May from the Cornell Lab.. The seminar begins at 30 minutes and whilst many here the information will be known, I enjoyed having the international perspective. I presume it was to mark the publication of his revised book.
    Two Osprey greats with with books out in the same week!! (I know AP's book in soft back and kindle was out earlier this year.)
    I hope the link works! Smirk