DAILY UPDATES - Loch Garten nest - MAY 2019

The silence is deafening, not least because we haven't even had sound* for a week or two, let alone an osprey on the nest.

*This is to reduce demand on the bandwidth, along with turning off the Feeder cam stream.  It seems that the reason for the reduced bandwidth cannot yet be fathomed.

But who knows what the month of May will bring?  First-time returners are due and there are reports of ospreys flying up thru the country.  Hang in here, everyone!

Carnyx Channel page ~ click LIVE NOW

But it hasn't always been so live:

Then back:

  • Ooooo, good ole Fergus . Heart in mouth and with baited breath
  • Lynn L said:
    Do you really need any encouragement CRinger! Me thinks not! Any more?

    It has been very quiet so................. at the risk of the wrath of Scylala.......... Many more.......................including.................

    Back in the day, there was an Osprey Warden and 3 Information Wardens. The ‘life’ of an OW could never be considered to be dull. There was always 3 paid members of staff on duty every day who spent a third of each day at the kiosk in the car park welcoming visitors This OW recalls one day when it was his first stint at the kiosk on one of those misty mornings where the low cloud hung close to the loch until way into the afternoon. Within half an hour of the centre opening I spied a highly animated visitor running towards the kiosk. Despite the cool weather he was in T shirt and shorts and was highly agitated. I smiled and welcomed him but suspected he was not there to look at the Ospreys. He said he wanted to make a complaint. I asked him to continue and assured him we would investigate thoroughly. He said that he had recently arrived at the camp site less than half a km up the road to Boat of Garten and the previous evening he and his wife and children had decided to have a barbeque. They had got the fire going and had put half a dozen sausages on the bbq which had just started sizzling nicely when suddenly a huge black shadow passed overhead and one of MY Ospreys had stolen 2 sausages off his barbeque and ruined his evening. I said that I would pass his complaint to RSPB Scotland HQ, but offered he and his family free entrance to the centre should he wish to return with them. My wish was to have a pint of whatever he had been drinking the night before. But that was just the start of an extraordinary day. But I am wary or Scylla, so will stay quiet a wee while.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • A rare subspecies - the Sausage-Eating Osprey.
    Lovely story, CRinger.
  • ...and you'll do well to be wary of MC!! I am for sure!!
  • I quake in my boots before I continue about 'Sausage Tuesday'.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRINGER pretended:

    "I quake in my boots before I continue about 'Sausage Tuesday'."

    Just to spite you I could pretend that you're not allowed to digress any more... but I would incur the ire of everyone else here, and I'd have to leave :o :o :o

    In any case, I want to hear about Sausage Tuesday, the first episode was a hoot !!! ;-D

  • I can't even find a flying insect or a slug!

    NIGHTCAM 22:15

    A brief scare:

    That's it up to 02:50.

  • Getting light.  Remember how we used to look forward to the morning fly-ins? :'(

  • Indeed scylla. Even Len seems to have hopped it.
  • It seems to have been a very still night.

    DAYCAM 04:35